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Title: De novo transcriptome assembly of an Antarctic nematode for the study of thermal adaptation in marine parasites
Authors: Palomba, Marialetizia 
Libro, Pietro
Di Martino, Jessica
Roca-Geronès, Xavier
Macali, Armando
Castrignanò, Tiziana 
Canestrelli, Daniele 
Mattiucci, Simonetta
Issue Date: 2023
Understanding the genomic underpinnings of thermal adaptation is a hot topic in eco-evolutionary studies of parasites. Marine heteroxenous parasites have complex life cycles encompassing a free-living larval stage, an ectothermic intermediate host and a homeothermic definitive host, thus representing compelling systems for the study of thermal adaptation. The Antarctic anisakid Contracaecum osculatum sp. D is a marine parasite able to survive and thrive both at very cold and warm temperatures within the environment and its hosts. Here, a de novo transcriptome of C. osculatum sp. D was generated for the first time, by performing RNA-Seq experiments on a set of individuals exposed to temperatures experienced by the nematode during its life cycle. The analysis generated 425,954,724 reads, which were assembled and then annotated. The high-quality assembly was validated, achieving over 88% mapping against the transcriptome. The transcriptome of this parasite will represent a valuable genomic resource for future studies aimed at disentangling the genomic architecture of thermal tolerance and metabolic pathways related to temperature stress.
ISSN: 2052-4463
DOI: 10.1038/s41597-023-02591-4
Appears in Collections:A1. Articolo in rivista

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