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Title: Different patterns of introgression in a three species hybrid zone among European cave salamanders
Authors: Bruni, Giacomo
Chiocchio, Andrea 
Nascetti, Giuseppe 
Cimmaruta, Roberta 
Issue Date: 2023
Hybrid zones occur where genetically distinct populations meet, mate and produce offspring with mixed ancestry. In Plethodontid salamanders, introgressive hybridization is a common phenomenon, where hybrids backcross with parental populations leading to the spread of new alleles into the parental genomes. Whereas many hybrid zones have been reported in American Plethodontid salamanders, only a single hybrid zone has been documented in European plethodontids so far, which is located at the Apuan Alps in the Italian Peninsula. Here, we describe a previously unreported hybrid zone in the Northern Apennines involving all the three Plethodontid salamander species inhabiting the Italian Peninsula. We found 21 new Speleomantes sites of occurrence, from a hitherto unexplored area located at the boundaries between three Speleomantes species ranges. Using mitochondrial (Cytb and ND2 genes) and nuclear markers (two diagnostic SNPs at the NCX1 gene), we revealed a three-way contact zone where all the three mainland species hybridize: S. strinatii, S. ambrosii and S. italicus. We observed a strong mitonuclear discordance, with mitochondrial markers showing a conspicuous geographic pattern, while diagnostic nuclear SNPs coexisted in both the same populations and individuals, providing evidence of hybridization in many possible combinations. The introgression is asymmetric, with S. italicus mitogenome usually associated with S. a. ambrosii and, to a lesser extent, to S. strinatii nuclear alleles. This finding confirms that Plethodontid are a group of choice to investigate hybridization mechanisms and suggests that behavioural, genetic and ecological components may concur in determining the direction and extent of introgression.
ISSN: 2045-7758
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10437
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Appears in Collections:A1. Articolo in rivista

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