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Title: Field survey and UAV remote sensing as tools for evaluating the canopy management effects in smallholder grapevine farm
Authors: Brunori, Elena 
Moresi, Federico Valerio 
Maesano, Mauro 
Matteo de Horatis
Salvati, Riccardo 
Scarascia Mugnozza, Giuseppe 
Biasi, Rita 
Issue Date: 2022
The transition towards more resilient and sustainable agricultural systems must start from smallholder farms (SHs), that are responsible for one third of total crop production, are crucial to preserve ecosystems services, but are restive to adopt precision viticulture (PV) tools because benefits are considered insufficient to justify the costs. PV could help SHs to face with climate variability, maintaining high quality standards in the vineyard and to increase grapevine resilience adopting strategic cultural practices. This paper focus on evaluating some canopy management techniques (leaf removal at different phenological stages) on Italian grapevine landraces through field survey and UAV remote sensing, to obtain an automated estimation of the vine status in terms of canopy architecture, vine vigour, and berry traits. Findings showed as the adoption of canopy management practices, like the leaf removal, can increase the productive performance of the vines by regulating canopy growth, improving berry quality, and at the same time can increase the environmental sustainability of viticulture. Remote sensing restores a real-time vegetational indices (VIs) at vine scale that SHs could use to maximize quality and sustainability through a more efficient and site-specific management of the vineyard.
ISSN: 2117-4458
Rights: Attribution 4.0 International
Appears in Collections:A1. Articolo in rivista

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