Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://hdl.handle.net/2067/46940
Titolo: Nutraceutical Strategy to Counteract Eye Neurodegeneration and Oxidative Stress in Drosophila melanogaster Fed with High-Sugar Diet
Autori: Catalani Elisabetta 
Fanelli, Giuseppina 
Silvestri, Federica
Cherubini, Agnese
Del Quondam, Simona
Bongiorni, Silvia
Taddei, Anna Rita
Ceci, Marcello 
De Palma, Clara
Perrotta, Cristiana
Rinalducci, Sara 
Prantera, Giorgio 
Cervia, Davide 
Data pubblicazione: 2021
Aberrant production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a common feature of damaged retinal neurons in diabetic retinopathy, and antioxidants may exert both preventive and therapeutic action. To evaluate the beneficial and antioxidant properties of food supplementation with Lisosan G, a powder of bran and germ of grain (Triticum aestivum) obtained by fermentation with selected lactobacillus and natural yeast strains, we used an in vivo model of hyperglycemia-induced retinal damage, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster fed with high-sucrose diet. Lisosan G positively affected the visual system of hyperglycemic flies at structural/functional level, decreased apoptosis, and reactivated protective autophagy at the retina internal network. Also, in high sucrose-fed Drosophila, Lisosan G reduced the levels of brain ROS and retina peroxynitrite. The analysis of oxidative stress-related metabolites suggested 7,8-dihydrofolate, uric acid, dihydroorotate, γ-L-glutamyl-L-cysteine, allantoin, cysteinyl-glycine, and quinolate as key mediators of Lisosan G-induced inhibition of neuronal ROS, along with the upregulation of glutathione system. Of note, Lisosan G may impact oxidative stress and the ensuing retinal cell death, also independently from autophagy, although the autophagy-ROS cross-talk is critical. This study demonstrated that the continuous supplementation with the alimentary integrator Lisosan G exerts a robust and multifaceted antioxidant effect on retinal neurons, thus providing efficacious neuroprotection of hyperglycemic eye.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2067/46940
ISSN: 2076-3921
DOI: 10.3390/antiox10081197
Diritti: Attribution 4.0 International
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