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Title: Interventi di liberalizzazione dei mercati
Authors: Mosconi, Enrico Maria
Keywords: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership;TTIP;Commodity science;World trade;No tariff barrier
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Publisher: Mediavalue srl
Source: Mosconi, E.M. 2014. Interventi di liberalizzazione dei mercati. "Qualità" [on line] 44 (2) : 19-23. Disponibile su:
The effectiveness of the liberalization actions for enabling to a long term growth are affected by important elements and gaps of the structure market of the single countries. The level of international openness on the trade dynamics of countries is one of the most important of these elements. A concept of global value chain that embraces the firms, consumers and organizations. Complementarities and interconnections of the markets make that the No tariff barriers are today constraints and they delay the develop international trade flows. Furthermore Ntb reduction is a basic strategy to encrease arm’s length conditions and must be tackled into the World trade agreements for trade and develop. The weight of these themes into the "Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership" for the market union between USA and the European continent brings to comment on the different systems of rules for the two commercial areas and their implication.
ISSN: 2037-4186
Appears in Collections:DEIM - Archivio della produzione scientifica

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