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Title: La trasparenza del contratto del consumatore
Other Titles: The transparency in contract of consumer
Authors: Campagna, Marco Francesco
Keywords: Consumatore;Trasparenza;Consumer;Transparency
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2014
Publisher: Università degli studi della Tuscia - Viterbo
Series/Report no.: Tesi di dottorato di ricerca. 25. ciclo
La prima parte dello studio è dedicata all’analisi dell’evoluzione della trasparenza.
L’assunto è che la trasparenza del contratto serve a proteggere il consumatore nel momento in cui
egli cerca di comprendere il signifcato delle clausole.
La trasparenza va posta su di un piano diverso dall’interpretazione. La prima riguarda il
consumatore-contraente, la seconda un terzo soggetto, che interpreta appunto. Così si comprende
che l’art. 35 cod. cons. contiene due norme, al primo comma quella sulla trasparenza, al secondo
comma una norma sull’intepretazione. Dalla mancanza di trasparenza deriva soprattutto un obbligo
risarcitorio da parte del professionista.
L’ultima parte del lavoro analizza la trasparenza nelle disposizioni dei settori bancario,
finanziario e assicurativo. La conclusione è che si può predicare l’esistenza di un principio di
settore e che la norma può essere estesa, mediante l’impiego dell’analogia, a quei casi in cui ad un
soggetto, professionista in senso stretto, ne sta davanti uno che compie un atto estraneo alla sua
professione (anche quando questi non abbia la qualifica di consumatore in senso stretto).

The initial part of this study will be dedicated to the analysis of the evolution of the
transparency. The idea is that it’s possible to consider a “theory of transparency”, in which is
essential pose in a correct prospective the problem. The firsts results of my study conduct me to
think that the transparency protect the consumer in the moment in which he unscrambles a clause.
Although transparency and interpretation constitute knowledge problems, they regard
different subjects: transparency regards the consumer (or the adhering party), whilst interpretation is
an operation conduct by a third part, the interpreter. In this context we can say that transparency and
interpretation have different subjective and objective application.
In this way is possible pass to the second part of the thesis, it regards in particular the article
35 Italian Consumer Code, that comprehends two rules: the first about transparency, the second
about interpretation (“interpretation contra proferentem”). Is necessary focus only on the first, and
try to understand exactly the meaning of the diction “elements are identified in a clear and
comprehensible manner” (art. 35, c. 1., Italian Consumer Code). Is important considered that article
35 has introduced in Italian Legal System the transparency criteria, as intended in the European
Directive 13/93. The article 5.1 of the Directive states that: “In the case of contracts terms offered to
the consumer are in writing, these terms must always be drafted in plain, intelligible language”. Is
possible suppose that the article seems to impose a general duty of transparency on the party who
predisposed the clauses in written form.The other part of the study has to identify which consequence can derive from a clause that
is not clear or comprehensible. The question which should be posed is: what should be the effect of
a such lack of transparency? The article 35 (Italia Cons. Cod.) does not contain a mention of a
specific remedy.
Finally the analysis is on the emersion of the rule of transparency in financial, banking and
insurance sector. It can ben stated that there is a principle of transparency applicable sometimes also
to the business transactions.
Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto dei contratti pubblici e privati
Appears in Collections:Archivio delle tesi di dottorato di ricerca

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