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Title: Design-based strategies for sampling spatial units from regular grids with applications to forest surveys, land use, and land cover estimation
Authors: Fattorini, Lorenzo
Corona, Piermaria
Chirici, Gherardo
Pagliarella, Maria Chiara
Keywords: Auxiliary information;Difference estimator;Generalized regression estimator;Horvitz–Thompson estimator;Simulation study;Spatially balanced sampling
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Source: Fattorini, L. 2015. Design-based strategies for sampling spatial units from regular grids with applications to forest surveys, land use, and land cover estimation. "Environmetrics" 26: 216–228
The purpose of this paper is to compare some spatial strategies for sampling polygons onto a grid partitioning a study area.
Most of the schemes considered in the paper are aimed at avoiding the selection of neighboring polygons. When one or
more auxiliary variables are similar or well correlated with the values of the survey variable, the auxiliary information
is adopted at estimation level by means of the difference or the regression estimators, or at design level, using the values
of auxiliary variables to determine the inclusion probabilities. Applications to large-scale forest inventories, land use
estimation, and forest cover estimation are discussed. A simulation study is performed to compare the adopted strategies
in terms of bias (if present), accuracy, and accuracy estimation. The simulation is designed to mimic forest inventories and
forest cover estimation, starting from some real situations. An application to plan future surveys for land use estimation in
Italy is reported.
L'articolo è disponibile sul sito dell'editore
ISSN: 1099-095X
DOI: 10.1002/env.2332
Appears in Collections:DiSAFRi - Archivio della produzione scientifica

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