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Title: Observations on the genus Orientus (Rhynchota Cicadomorpha Cicadellidae) and description of a new species: O. amurensis n. sp. from Russia (Amur Region and Maritime Territory) and China (Liaoning Province).
Authors: Guglielmino, Adalgisa
Keywords: Deltocephalinae;Athysanini;Taxonomy;Canada;Germany;Italy;Japan;Korean peninsular;Philippines;Russia;Switzerland;Taiwan;U.S.A..
Issue Date: 2005
Source: GUGLIELMINO A. (2005). Observations on the genus Orientus (Rhynchota Cicadomorpha Cicadellidae) and description of a new species: O. amurensis n. sp. from Russia (Amur Region and Maritime Territory) and China (Liaoning Province). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen, 3 (3): 99-110.
Orientus amurensis n. sp. from Russia (Amur Region and Maritime Territory) and China (Liaoning Province) is described and illustrated. O. amurensis n. sp. and O. ishidae (Matsumura) are distinguishable by the peculiar structure of their male (in details of genital plates, styles, aedeagus, processes of the pygofer) and female genitalia. O. ishidae is recorded for the first time in Italy.
ISSN: 0173-1076
Appears in Collections:DIPROP - Archivio della produzione scientifica

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