Lafiandra, Domenico
Full Name
Lafiandra, Domenico
- 8 AGR/07
- 4 LS9_5
- 1 Beta-carotene
- 1 biscuit; bread; high-amylose flour; glycaemic index; resistant starch
- 1 Bread wheat
- 1 bread wheat; free asparagine; acrylamide-forming potential; food safety
- 1 Chromosome rearrangements
- 1 Dough quality
- 1 Durum wheat
- 1 durum wheat, yield, RNA interference, grain size, GW2
- next >
Date issued
- 18 2020 - 2024
- 24 2010 - 2019
- 22 With Fulltext
- 20 No Fulltext
Results 1-20 of 42 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2022 | Whole-exome sequencing of selected bread wheat recombinant inbred lines as a useful resource for allele mining and bulked segregant analysis | Esposito, Salvatore; D’Agostino, Nunzio; Taranto, Francesca; Sonnante, Gabriella; Sestili, Francesco ; Lafiandra, Domenico ; De Vita, Pasquale |
2 | 2015 | TILLING mutants of durum wheat result in a high amylose phenotype and provide information on alternative splicing mechanisms | Sestili, Francesco ; Palombieri, Samuela ; Botticella, Ermelinda; Mantovani, Paola; Bovina, Riccardo; Lafiandra, Domenico |
3 | 2024 | The High-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunits of the T. timopheevii (AuAuGG) Group | Margiotta, Benedetta; Colaprico, Giuseppe; Urbano, Marcella; Panichi, Daniela; Sestili, Francesco ; Lafiandra, Domenico |
4 | 2023 | The functional implications of high-amylose wholegrain wheat flours: An in vitro digestion and fermentation approach combined with metabolomics | García-Pérez, Pascual; Giuberti, Gianluca; Sestili, Francesco ; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Botticella, Ermelinda; Lucini, Luigi |
5 | 2016 | The down-regulation of the genes encoding Isoamylase 1 alters the starch composition of the durum wheat grain | Sestili, Francesco ; Battistelli, A.; Trost, P.; Lafiandra, Domenico ; D'ovidio, R.; Cuesta-seijo Ja; Sparla, F.; Botticella, E.; Janni, M.; Dovidio, R.; Falini, G.; Marri, L.; Cuesta-seijoe, J.; Moscatello, S. |
6 | 2012 | Stacking small segments of the 1D chromosome of bread wheat containing major gluten quality genes into durum wheat | Gennaro, A.; Gennaro Andrea; Forte Paola; Panichi Daniela; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Degidio Maria Grazia; Ceoloni, Carla ; Forte, P.; Panichi, D.; Pagnotta, Mario Augusto ; Degidio Mg; Degidio, M. G. |
7 | 2015 | Soft Kernel Durum Wheat - A New Bakery Ingredient? | Morris Cf; Engleson Ja; Casper, J.; Kiszonas Am; Fuerst Ap; Murray, J.; Simeone, Marco Cosimo ; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Fuerst Ep |
8 | 2020 | Reduction of Allergenic Potential in Bread Wheat RNAi Transgenic Lines Silenced for CM3, CM16 and 0.28ATI Genes | Kalunke, Raviraj M; Tundo, Silvio; Sestili, Francesco ; Camerlengo, Francesco; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Lupi, Roberta; Larré, Colette; Denery-Papini, Sandra; Islam, Shahidul; Ma, Wujun; D'Amico, Stefano; Masci, Stefania |
9 | 2021 | QTL Analysis of Five Morpho-Physiological Traits in Bread Wheat Using Two Mapping Populations Derived from Common Parents | Vitale, Paolo; Fania, Fabio; Esposito, Salvatore; Pecorella, Ivano; Pecchioni, Nicola; Palombieri, Samuela ; Sestili, Francesco ; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Taranto, Francesca; De Vita, Pasquale |
10 | 2019 | Provitamin A Biofortification of Durum Wheat through a TILLING Approach | Sestili, Francesco ; Garcia-Molina, Maria Dolores; Gambacorta, Gianluca; Beleggia, Romina; Botticella, Ermelinda; De Vita, Pasquale; Savatin, Daniel Valentin ; Masci, Stefania; Lafiandra, Domenico |
11 | 2024 | Mutations in starch biosynthesis genes affect chloroplast development in wheat pericarp | Botticella, Ermelinda; Testone, Giulio; Buffagni, Valentina; Palombieri, Samuela ; Taddei, Anna Rita; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Lucini, Luigi; Giannino, Donato; Sestili, Francesco |
12 | 2023 | Molecular insights into the role of amylose/amylopectin ratio on gluten protein organization | Emide, Davide; Magni, Chiara; Saitta, Francesca; Cardone, Gaetano; Botticella, Ermelinda; Fessas, Dimitrios; Iametti, Stefania; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Sestili, Francesco ; Marti, Alessandra; Barbiroli, Alberto |
13 | 2022 | Introgression of gluten protein genes associated with the D-genome of bread wheat into durum wheat | Camerlengo, Francesco; Sestili, Francesco ; Cammerata, Alessandro; Kuzmanović, Ljiljana ; Ceoloni, Carla ; Sissons, Mike; Lafiandra, Domenico |
14 | 2012 | Improving wheat health benefits through manipulation of starch composition | Lafiandra, Domenico ; Sestili, F.; Botticella, E. |
15 | 2014 | Improving cereal grain carbohydrates for diet and health | Lafiandra, Domenico ; Riccardi, G.; Shewry Pr |
16 | 2023 | Impact of Variation in Amylose Content on Durum Wheat cv. Svevo Technological and Starch Properties | Sissons, Mike; Palombieri, Samuela ; Sestili, Francesco ; Lafiandra, Domenico |
17 | 2016 | The impact of the SSIIa null mutations on grain traits and composition in durum wheat | Botticella, E.; Sestili, Francesco ; Ferrazzano, G.; Mantovani, P.; Cammerata, A.; Degidio Mg; Lafiandra, Domenico ; D'egidio, M. |
18 | 2014 | Identification and characterization of granule bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) gene of tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) | Wang, X.; Feng, B.; Xu, Z.; Sestili, Francesco ; Zhao, G.; Xiang, C.; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Wang, T. |
19 | 2013 | How much does transgenesis affect wheat allergenicity? | Lupi, R.; Moneret-vautrin, A. D.; Denery-papini, S.; Rogniaux, H.; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Rizzi, C.; De Carli, M.; Moneret-vautrin Da; Masci, Stefania ; Larr, C. |
20 | 2022 | High-amylose bread wheat and its effects on cooking quality and nutritional properties of pasta | De Arcangelis, Elisa; Angelicola, Martina; Trivisonno, Maria Carmela; Iacovino, Silvio; Falasca, Luisa; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Sestili, Francesco ; Messia, Maria Cristina; Marconi, Emanuele |