Browsing by Author Salerno, A.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance tolerance of two Cucurbitaceae species to bicarbonate in irrigation waterRouphael, Y.; Cardarelli, M.; Rea, E.; Salerno, A.; Colla, Giuseppe 
2012Can grafting in watermelon plants enhance tolerance to bicarbonate in nutrient solution?Colla, Giuseppe ; Cardarelli, M.; Fiorillo, A.; Rouphael, Y.; Salerno, A.; Rea, E.
2012Fertilizer concentration and irrigation method affects growth and flowering of two bedding plantsCardarelli, M.; Rouphael, Y.; Salerno, A.; Rea, E.; Colla, Giuseppe 
2008Predicting leaf number of greenhouse zucchini squash using degree days and photosynthetically active radiationRouphael, Y.; Cardarelli, M.; Fallovo, C.; Colla, G.; Salerno, A.; Rea, E.; Marucci, Alvaro 
2001Produzione ed accrescimento dello zucchino allevato su terreno e in senza suolo su diversi substratiColla, G.; Yousef, R.; Pierandrei, F.; Rea, E.; Salerno, A.; Marucci, Alvaro ; Saccardo, F.