Browsing by Author Petrillo, Antonella

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023A metaworld: Implications, opportunities and risks of the metaverseDe Felice, Fabio; Rehman, Mizna; Petrillo, Antonella; Baffo, ilaria 
2018A web-based multiple criteria decision support system for evaluation analysis of carpoolingPetrillo, Antonella; Carotenuto, Pasquale; Baffo, ilaria ; De Felice, Fabio
2015An integrated decision support system to solve multi-criteria orienteering problemCarotenuto, Pasquale; Baffo, Ilaria ; De Felice, Fabio; Petrillo, Antonella
2015An integrated decision support system to solve multi-criteria orienteering problemCarotenuto, Pasquale ; Baffo, Ilaria ; De Felice, Fabio;; Petrillo, Antonella
2022Artificial Intelligence or Augmented Intelligence? Impact on our lives, rights and ethicsDe Felice, Fabio; Petrillo, Antonella; De Luca, Cristina; Baffo, ilaria 
2022Critical Infrastructures Overview: Past, Present and FutureDe Felice, Fabio; Baffo, ilaria ; Petrillo, Antonella
2016Multi Attributes approach for tourist trips designBaffo, Ilaria ; Carotenuto, Pasquale; Petrillo, Antonella; De Felice, Fabio
2016Multi Attributes approach for tourist trips designBaffo, Ilaria ; Carotenuto, Pasquale; Petrillo, Antonella; De Felice, Fabio
2024Sustainable fashion: Mapping waste streams and life cycle managementRehman, Mizna; Petrillo, Antonella; Ortíz-Barrios, Miguel; Forcina, Antonio; Baffo, ilaria ; De Felice, Fabio
2022The Cost Benefit Analysis of Commercial 100 MW Solar PV: The Plant Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power Pvt LtdAsad, Muhammad; Mahmood, Farrukh Ibne; Baffo, ilaria ; Mauro, Alessandro; Petrillo, Antonella