Browsing by Author Paula Noble

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20152700 years of Mediterranean environmental change in central ItalyScott Mensing, A.; Susanna Passigli; Piovesan, Gianluca ; Irene Tunno; Leonardo Sagnotti; Fabio Florindo; Paula Noble; Claire Archer; Susan Zimmerman; Francisco Javier Pavón-carrasco; Gabriele Cifani
2017Hydrochemical determination of source water contributions to Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile (central Italy)Claire Archer; Archer, C.; Noble, P.; Kreamer, D.; Piscopo, Vincenzo ; Petitta, M.; Rosen Mr; Poulson Sr; Mensing, S.; Paula Noble; David Kreamer; Vincenzo Piscopo; Marco Petitta; Michael Rosen, R.; Simon Poulson, R.; Piovesan, Gianluca ; Scott Mensing
2016A multi-proxy lake core record from Lago Lungo, Rieti Basin, Lazio, Italy and its relation to human activities in the catchment during the last centuryPaula Noble; Irene Tunno; Scott Mensing; Piovesan, Gianluca