Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2005 | cDNA cloning and heterologous expression of a wheat proteinase inhibitor of subtilisin and chymotrypsin (WSCI) that interferes with digestive enzymes of insect pests | Di Gennaro, S.; Ficca , A. G.; Panichi, D.; Poerio, Elia |
2005 | Design and heterologous expression of a chimeric protein inhibitor | Ficca, A. G.; Poerio, Elia ; Bruni, N.; Panichi, D. |
2005 | Expression analysis of two proteinase inhibitors during wheat caryopsis development | Panichi, D.; Bruni, N.; Ficca, A. G.; Poerio, Elia |
2001 | Heterologous expression of the wheat subtilisin/chymotrypsin inhibitor gene wsci and characterization of the recombinant product | Di Gennaro, S.; Ficca, A. G.; Panichi, D.; Storce, C.; Poerio, Elia |
2006 | Identification of Wheat subtilisin/chymotrypsin inhibitor (WSCI) as an important allergen for bakers asthma | Grassau, B.; Bittner, C.; Poerio, Elia ; Panichi, D.; Muesken, H.; Baur, X. |
2006 | Identifizierung eines Proteaseinhibitors des Weizen als relevantes Bckerallergen | Grassau; Bittner, C.; Frenzel, K.; Musken, H.; Poerio, Elia ; Panichi, D.; Baur, X. |
2002 | Livelli di attivit antiproteinasiche in piante transgeniche di pomodoro che esprimono inibitori di serin e cistein proteinasi per il controllo di insetti fitofagi dannosi | Farisei, F.; Panichi, D.; Poerio, Elia ; Speranza, S. ; Pucci, C.; Fonzo, V.; Caccia, R.; Soressi, G. P. |
2002 | Livelli di attivit antiproteinasiche in piante transgeniche di pomodoro esprimenti inibitori di proteinasi a serina e a cisteina | Farisei, F.; Panichi, D.; Poerio, Elia ; Speranza, S. ; Pucci, C.; Fonzo, V.; Caccia, R.; Soressi , G. P. |
2006 | Modelling the 3D structure of wheat subtilisin/chymotrypsin inhibitor (WSCI). Probing the reactive site with two susceptible proteinases by time-course analysis and molecular dynamics simulations | Facchiano, A. M.; Costantini, S.; Di Maro, A.; Panichi, D.; Chambery, A.; Parente, A.; Di Gennaro, S.; Poerio, Elia |
2008 | Modifying kernel composition for technological and nutritional improvement of durum and bread wheat | Lafiandra, D.; Masci, Stefania ; Sestili, F.; Botticella, E.; Panichi, D.; Janni, M.; Dovidio, R.; Margiotta, B. |
2006 | Mutations at the reactive site change the inhibitory activity of the wheat Subtilisin/Chymotrypsin Inhibitor | Bruni, N.; Panichi, D.; Ficca, A. G.; Poerio, Elia |
2006 | Primary structure of a wheat chymotrypsin inhibitor belonging to the CM-proteins | Di Maro, A.; Bruni, N.; Farisei, F.; Ferranti, P.; Panichi, D.; Parente, A.; Poerio, Elia |
2010 | Production and utilization of durum wheat lines with introgressed D-genome glutenin subunits | Lafiandra, D.; Panichi, D.; Masci, Stefania ; Ceoloni, C.; Degidio, M. G.; Urbano, M.; Colaprico, G.; Margiotta, B. |
2010 | Proteomic Approach To Assign Disulphide Bonds Of The Wheat High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit Bx7 | Panichi, D.; Rogniaux, H.; Penninck, S.; Popineau, Y.; Masci, Stefania |
2008 | Relationships between protein composition and gluten strenght in different durum wheat genotypes | Panichi, D.; Masci, Stefania ; De Ambrogio, E.; Lafiandra, D. |
2010 | Relationships between protein composition and gluten strength in a set of durum wheat RILs | Panichi, D.; Masci, Stefania ; De Ambrogio, E.; Lafiandra, D. |
2012 | Stacking small segments of the 1D chromosome of bread wheat containing major gluten quality genes into durum wheat | Gennaro, A.; Gennaro Andrea; Forte Paola; Panichi Daniela; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Degidio Maria Grazia; Ceoloni, Carla ; Forte, P.; Panichi, D.; Pagnotta, Mario Augusto ; Degidio Mg; Degidio, M. G. |
2011 | WCI, a novel wheat chymotrypsin inhibitor | Di Maro, A.; Poerio, Elia ; Farisei, F.; Panichi, D.; Severino, V.; Bruni, N.; Ficca Ag; Ferranti, P.; Capuzzi, V.; Tedeschi, F. |
2004 | Wheat genes coding for protein inhibitors | Bruni, N.; Panichi, D.; Spiriti, E.; Ficca, A. G.; Poerio, Elia |
2003 | Wheat protein inhibitors of insect digestive proteinases | Poerio, Elia ; Bellavita, I.; Di Gennaro, S.; Farisei, F.; Panichi, D.; Ficca, A. G. |