Browsing by Author Palermo, E.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Accuratezza nella misura della dinamica del movimento umano mediante lutilizzo di sensori inerzialiCappa, P.; Palermo, E.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano 
2019Automatic detection of faults in race walking. A comparative analysis of machine-learning algorithms fed with inertial sensor dataTaborri, Juri ; Palermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano 
2020Characterization of a low-cost markerless system for 3D gait analysisD'antonio, E.; Taborri, Juri ; Palermo, E.; Rossi, S.; PatanĂ©, F.
2016Disability and Fatigue Can Be Objectively Measured in Multiple SclerosisMotta, C.; Palermo, E.; Studer, V.; Germanotta, M.; Germani, G.; Centonze, D.; Cappa, P.; Rossi, Stefano 
2013Experimental assessment of the effect of magnetic distortion on mimu gait analysisPalermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P.
2014Experimental evaluation of indoor magnetic distortion effects on gait analysis performed with wearable inertial sensorsPalermo, E.; Stefano Rossi; Fabrizio Patane; Paolo Cappa
2014Experimental validation of a novel protocol for dystonia assessment using MIMU sensorsPalermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Petrarca, M.; Pisano, A.; Cantonetti, L.; Marras Ce; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P.
2017Factorization of EMG via muscle synergies in walking taskTaborri, J.; Palermo, E.; Masiello, D.; Rossi, Stefano 
2009Feasibility of a functional procedure, operator independent, for wearable inertial measurement units in gait analysisCappa, P.; Palermo, E.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano ; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E.
2017Gait partitioning methods in Parkinsons disease patients with motor fluctuationsMileti, I.; Rossi, Stefano ; Bentivoglio , A. R.; Padua, L.; Palermo, E.; Germanotta, M.; Alcaro, S.; Pacilli, A.; Imbimbo, I.; Petracca, M.; Erra, C.; Di Sipio, E.; Aprile, I.
2019Is the neuromuscular organization of throwing unchanged in virtual reality? Implications for upper limb rehabilitationScalona, E.; Taborri, Juri ; Hayes, Dr; Del Prete, Z.; Rossi, Stefano ; Palermo, E.
2014A Novel HMM Distributed Classifier for the Detection of Gait Phases by Means of a Wearable Inertial Sensor NetworkTaborri, J.; Rossi, Stefano ; Palermo, E.; Patane, F.; Cappa, P.
2019Parkinson's disease and Levodopa effects on muscle synergies in postural perturbationMileti, I.; Del Prete, Z.; Zampogna, A.; Taborri, Juri ; Martelli, F.; Rossi, Stefano ; Del, Prete; Paoloni, M.; Suppa, A.; Palermo, E.
2019Perturbed point-to-point reaching tasks in a 3D environment using a portable haptic deviceScalona, E.; Hayes, Del Prete Zd; Palermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano 
2019Quantifying age-related differences of ankle mechanical properties using a robotic deviceMartelli, F.; Taborri, Juri ; Del Prete, Z.; Palermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano 
2019Reactive postural responses to continous yaw perturbation in healthy humans: The effect of agingMileti, I.; Taborri, Juri ; Rossi, S.; Del Prete, Z.; Paoloni, M.; Suppa, A.; Palermo, E.
2017Spasticity Measurement Based on Tonic Stretch Reflex Threshold in Children with Cerebral Palsy Using the PediAnklebotGermanotta, M.; Taborri, J.; Rossi, Stefano ; Frascarelli, F.; Palermo, E.; Cappa, P.; Castelli, E.; Petrarca, M.
2017Validation of Ankle Strength Measurements by Means of a Hand-Held Dynamometer in Adult Healthy SubjectsAncillao, A.; Palermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano 
2015Validation of Inter-Subject Training for Hidden Markov Models Applied to Gait Phase Detection in Children with Cerebral PalsyTaborri, J.; Scalona, E.; Palermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano ; Cappa, P.
2016A Wearable Setup for Auditory Cued Gait Analysis in Patients with Parkinsons DiseasePacilli, A.; Cappa, P.; Mileti, I.; Germanotta, M.; Di Sipio, E.; Imbimbo, I.; Aprile, I.; Padua, L.; Rossi, Stefano ; Palermo, E.