Browsing by Author Huber Cg

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004INTACT MASS MEASUREMENT FOR UNEQUIVOCAL IDENTIFICATIONTimperio, Annamaria ; Huber Cg; Rinalducci Ciambella Zolla, S. C.
2004Intact mass measurements for unequivocal identification of hydrophobic photosynthetic photosystems I and II antenna proteinsZolla, L.; Rinalducci, Sara ; Timperio, Annamaria ; Huber, C. G.; Righetti, P. G.; Huber Cg; Righetti, Pg.
2001Isoforms of photosystem II antenna proteins in different plant species revealed by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometryHuber Cg; Timperio, Annamaria ; Zolla, L.
2009Liquid-Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry of Thylakoid Membrane ProteinsHuber Cg; Timperio, Annamaria ; Toll, H.; Zolla, L.
2004Multidimensional proteomic analysis of photosynthetic membrane proteins by liquid extraction-ultracentrifugation-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometryHuber Cg; Walcher, W.; Timperio, Annamaria ; Troiani, S.; Porceddu, A.; Zolla, L.
2005MULTIDIMENSIONAL PROTEOMICS ANALYSIS OF PHOTOSINTETICHuber Cg; Walker, W.; Timperio, Annamaria ; Troiani Zolla, S. L.
2002Proteomics of light-harvesting proteins in different plant species. Analysis and comparison by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Photosystem IZolla, L.; Rinalducci, S.; Timperio, Annamaria ; Huber Cg
2003Proteomics of light-harvesting proteins in different plant species. Analysis and comparison by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Photosystem IIZolla, L.; Timperio, Annamaria ; Walcher, W.; Huber Cg
2000Resolution and identification of the protein components of the photosystem II antenna system of higher plants by reversed-phase liquid chromatography with electrospray-mass spectrometric detectionCorradini, D.; Huber Cg; Timperio, Annamaria ; Zolla, L.
2004Separation and identification of the light harvesting proteins contained in grana and stroma thylakoid membrane fractionsTimperio, Annamaria ; Huber Cg; Zolla, L.