Browsing by Author Germanotta, M.

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Adaptation to divergent force field in children with CP during robotic reaching training evidenced the inertial forces influence on the movementPetrarca, M.; Trapannone, A.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Germanotta, M.; Cappa, P.; Castelli, E.
2013Differences between children and adults in upper limb motor control during the execution of typical robotic rehabilitation tasksPacilli, A.; Germanotta, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P.
2016Disability and Fatigue Can Be Objectively Measured in Multiple SclerosisMotta, C.; Palermo, E.; Studer, V.; Germanotta, M.; Germani, G.; Centonze, D.; Cappa, P.; Rossi, Stefano 
2017Gait partitioning methods in Parkinsons disease patients with motor fluctuationsMileti, I.; Rossi, Stefano ; Bentivoglio , A. R.; Padua, L.; Palermo, E.; Germanotta, M.; Alcaro, S.; Pacilli, A.; Imbimbo, I.; Petracca, M.; Erra, C.; Di Sipio, E.; Aprile, I.
2019Immediate effects of rhythmic auditory stimulation on gait kinematics in Parkinson's disease ON/OFF medicationErra, Carmen; Mileti, Ilaria; Germanotta, M.; Petracca, Martina; Imbimbo, Isabella; De Biase, Alessandro; Rossi, Stefano ; Ricciardi, D.; Pacilli, Alessandra; Di Sipio, Enrica; Palermo, Eduardo; Bentivoglio, Anna Rita; Padua, Luca
2019Immediate effects of rhythmic auditory stimulation on gait kinematics in parkinson's disease ON/OFF medicationErra, Carmen; Alessandra, Di Sipio; Enrica, Palermo; Eduardo, Bentivoglio; Anna, Rita; Padua, Luca; Marco, Germanotta; Diego, Ricciardi; Mileti, Ilaria; Germanotta, M.; Petracca, Martina; Imbimbo, Isabella; De, Biase; Alessandro, Rossi; Stefano, Ricciardi; Pacilli, D.
2014Measure of stretch reflex spatial thresholds at the ankle in a patient with CP using the AnklebotGermanotta, M.; Petrarca, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Colazza, A.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P.
2011Protocollo sperimentale per lo studio della dinamica articolare nella riabilitazione assistita da robotPacilli, A.; Germanotta, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Petrarca, M.; Cappa, P.
2014Quantification of age-related differences in reaching and circle-drawing using a robotic rehabilitation devicePacilli, A.; Germanotta, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Cappa, P.
2014Reaching tasks in an altered dynamic environmentGermanotta, M.; Petrarca, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Carniel, S.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P.
2015Robotic and clinical evaluation of upper limb motor performance in patients with Friedreichs AtaxiaGermanotta, M.; Vasco, G.; Petrarca, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Carniel, S.; Bertini, E.; Cappa, P.; Castelli, E.
2017Spasticity Measurement Based on Tonic Stretch Reflex Threshold in Children with Cerebral Palsy Using the PediAnklebotGermanotta, M.; Taborri, J.; Rossi, Stefano ; Frascarelli, F.; Palermo, E.; Cappa, P.; Castelli, E.; Petrarca, M.
2016A Wearable Setup for Auditory Cued Gait Analysis in Patients with Parkinsons DiseasePacilli, A.; Cappa, P.; Mileti, I.; Germanotta, M.; Di Sipio, E.; Imbimbo, I.; Aprile, I.; Padua, L.; Rossi, Stefano ; Palermo, E.