Browsing by Author Ferrari, G.

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017CES and Translog parameter estimates in a SAM-based regional general equilibrium frameworkFerrari, G.; Secondi, Luca 
2016From the table to waste: an exploratory study on behaviour towards food waste of Spanish and Italian youthsMondjar-jimnez , J. A.; Ferrari, G.; Secondi, Luca ; Principato, L.
2016La catena del valore Ismea per la valutazione dellimpatto delle OP ortofrutticoleNucera, M.; Finizia, A.; Ferrari, G.; Merciai, S.; Sorrentino, Alessandro 
2013Parameters Estimation of CES and Translog Production Functions Based on SAM in a Regional CGE Model FrameworkFerrari, G.; Secondi, Luca 
2016The role of Producer Organisations in the vegetable value chainNucera, M.; Ferrari, G.; Finizia, A.; Merciai, S.; Sorrentino, Alessandro 
2017Tourists Expenditure in Tuscany and Its Impact on the Regional Economic SystemFerrari, G.; Mondjar Jimnez, J.; Secondi, Luca 
2010Un analisis CGE del Impacto del Turismo en el Sistema Economico de CerdenaFerrari, G.; Laureti, T.; Secondi, Luca 
2009Unanalisi CGE dellimpatto del turismo sul sistema economico della SardegnaFerrari, G.; Laureti, T.; Secondi, Luca