Browsing by Author Ferranti, P.

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1999Amino acid sequence, reactive site and secondary structure of a novel wheat proteinase inhibitorDi Gennaro, S.; Di Maro, A.; Facchiano, A.; Farisei, F.; Ferranti, P.; Parente, A.; Buonocore, V.; Poerio, Elia 
2015Evolution of S-cysteinylated and S-glutathionylated thiol precursors during grape ripening of Vitis vinifera L. cvs Grechetto, Malvasia del Lazio and Sauvignon BlancCerreti, M.; Esti, Marco ; Benucci, I.; Liburdi, K.; De Simone, C.; Ferranti, P.
2003Primary Structure and Reactive Site of a Novel Wheat Proteinase Inhibitor of Subtilisin and ChymotrypsinPoerio, Elia ; Di Gennaro, S.; Di Maro, A.; Farisei, F.; Ferranti, P.; Parente, A.
2006Primary structure of a wheat chymotrypsin inhibitor belonging to the CM-proteinsDi Maro, A.; Bruni, N.; Farisei, F.; Ferranti, P.; Panichi, D.; Parente, A.; Poerio, Elia 
2000Sequence studies on a novel CM-protein isolated from wheat endospermFarisei, F.; Buonocore, V.; Di Gennaro, S.; Di Maro, A.; Ferranti, P.; Parente, A.; Poerio, Elia 
2017Thiol precursors in Grechetto grape juice and aromatic expression in wineCerreti, M.; Ferranti, P.; Benucci, I.; Liburdi, Katia ; De Simone, C.; Esti, Marco 
2011WCI, a novel wheat chymotrypsin inhibitorDi Maro, A.; Poerio, Elia ; Farisei, F.; Panichi, D.; Severino, V.; Bruni, N.; Ficca Ag; Ferranti, P.; Capuzzi, V.; Tedeschi, F.