Browsing by Author Dovidio, R.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 69  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998A 1B-coded low-molecular weight glutenin subunit associated with pasta-making quality is present also in bread wheatMasci, Stefania ; Dovidio, R.; Spigaglia, M.; Lafiandra, D.; Kasarda Dd
2000A 1B-coded low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit associated with quality in durum wheats shows strong similarity to a subunit present in some bread wheat cultivarsMasci, Stefania ; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, D.; Kasarda Dd
2008Alterations of gene and protein expression in a transgenic bread wheat line over-expressing a low molecular weight glutenin subunit geneScossa, F.; Laudencia-chingcuanco, D.; Anderson , O. D.; Vensel, W. H.; Kasarda , D. D.; Lafiandra, D.; Dovidio, R.; Masci, Stefania 
2015Analysis of quality-related parameters in mature kernels of PGIP transgenic bread wheat infected with Fusarium graminearumMasci, Stefania ; Dovidio, R.; Laino, P.; Janni, M.; Botticella, E.; Di Carli, M.; Benvenuto, E.; Danieli, P. P.; Lilley, K. S.; Lafiandra, D.
2015Analysis of Quality-Related Parameters in Mature Kernels of Polygalacturonase Inhibiting Protein (PGIP) Transgenic Bread Wheat Infected with Fusarium graminearumMasci, S.; Dovidio, R.; Danieli, Pierpaolo ; Lilley Ks; Dovidio R2015; Laino, P.; Janni, M.; Botticella, E.; Di Carli, M.; Benvenuto, E.; Danieli , P. P.; Lilley , K. S.; Lafiandra, Domenico 
2010Approaches for Modification of Starch Composition in Durum WheatLafiandra, D.; Sestili, Francesco ; Dovidio, R.; Janni, M.; Botticella, E.; Ferrazzano, G.; Silvestri, M.; Ranieri, R.; Deambrogio, E.
2014An asparagine residue at the N-terminus affects the maturation process of low molecular weight glutenin subunits of wheat endospermEgidi, E.; Sestili; F.; Janni; M.; Dovidio; R.; Lafiandra; D.; Vensel; Wh; Sestili, Francesco ; D'ovidio, R.; Janni, M.; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Ceriotti, A.; Vensel Wh; Kasarda Dd; Masci, Stefania 
2001Assessment of geographic variation by RAPD markers among Italian open-pollinated progenies of Populus alba LSabatti, Maurizio ; Dovidio, R.; Tanzarella, O. A.; Scarascia Mugnozza, G. E.
1998Characterization of a Low-Molecular-Weight glutenin subunit gene from bread wheat and the corresponding protein that represents a major subunit of the glutenin polymerMasci, Stefania ; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, D.; Kasarda, D. D.
2008Characterization of allergens present in the seed soluble protein fraction of transgenic and untransformed wheat linesLupi, R.; Masci, Stefania ; Larr, C.; Pineau, F.; Deshayes, G.; Moneret-vautrin, D. A.; Denery, S.; Popineau, Y.; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, D.; Anderson, O. D.
2016Characterization of durum wheat high molecular weight glutenin subunits Bx20 and By20 sequences by a molecular and proteomic approachSantagati Vd; Sestili, Francesco ; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Dovidio, R.; Rogniaux, H.; Masci, Stefania ; Santagati , V. D.; Santagati, D.; D'ovidio, R.
2004Characterization of glutenin polymers in a transgenic bread wheat line over-expressing a LMW-GSMasci, Stefania ; Dovidio, R.; Scossa, F.; Patacchini, C.; Lafiandra, D.; Anderson, O. D.; Blechl, A.
2010Characterization of seed allergens present in transgenic and untransformed wheat linesLupi, R.; Masci, Stefania ; Larr, C.; Pineau, F.; Deshayes, G.; Moneret-vautrin, D. A.; Popineau, Y.; Denery, S.; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, D.; Anderson, O. D.
2000Characterization of the LMW-GS family in durum wheatDovidio, R.; Masci, Stefania ; Mattei, C.; Tosi, P.; Lafiandra, D.; Porceddu, E.
2010Characterization of transgenic durum wheat lines transformed with mutated m- and s-type LMW-GSEgidi, E.; Janni, M.; Sestili, F.; Ceriotti, A.; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, D.; Masci, Stefania 
2011Characterization of wheat low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits and their maturation processEgidi, E.; Janni, M.; Sestili, F.; Ceriotti, A.; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, D.; Kasarda, D. D.; Vensel, W. H.; Masci, Stefania 
2008Comparative proteomic and transcriptional profiling of a bread wheat cultivar and its derived transgenic line over-expressing a low molecular weight glutenin subunit gene in the endospermScossa, F.; Laudencia-chingcunco, D.; Anderson, O. D.; Vensel, W. H.; Lafiandra, D.; Dovidio, R.; Masci, Stefania 
2007Comparative transcriptional and proteomic profiling of bread wheat cv. Bobwhite and its derived transgenic line over-expressing a LMW-GS geneScossa, F.; Laudencia-chingcuanco, D.; Anderson, O. D.; Vensel, W. H.; Kasarda, D. D.; Lafiandra, D.; Dovidio, R.; Masci, Stefania 
2007Considerations about the effect of incorporation of two rare LMW-GS in durum wheat in comparison to bread wheat doughsFerrante, P.; Gianibelli, M. C.; Larroque, O.; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, D.; Masci, Stefania 
2013Constitutive expression of the Xylanase Inhibitor TAXI-III delays Fusarium head blight symptoms in durum wheat transgenic plantsMoscetti, I.; Dovidio, R.; Tundo, S.; Janni, M.; Sella, L.; Gazzetti, K.; Tauzin, A.; Giardina, T.; Masci, Stefania ; Favaron, F.