Browsing by Author Chiti

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Does degradation from selective logging and illegal activities differently impact forest resources? A case study in GhanaVaglio Laurin, G.; Grieco, E.; Pirotti, F.; Valentini, Riccardo ; Hawthorne Wd; Chiti; T.; Di Paola, A.; Cazzolla Gatti, R.; Marconi; S.; Noce, S.
2014Effect of the replacement of tropical forests with tree plantations on soil organic carbon levels in the Jomoro district, Ghana". PLANT AND SOIL,Chiti; T.; Grieco; E.; Perugini; L.; Rey; A.; Valentini, Riccardo 
2014A process-based model to simulate growth in forests with complex structure: Evaluation and use of 3D-CMCC Forest Ecosystem Model in a deciduous forest in Central Italy". ECOLOGICAL MODELLING,Collalti; Matteucci; G.; Valentini, Riccardo ; A.; Perugini; L.; Santini; M.; Chiti; T.; Nol√鬮