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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Adaptation to divergent force field in children with CP during robotic reaching training evidenced the inertial forces influence on the movement | Petrarca, M.; Trapannone, A.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Germanotta, M.; Cappa, P.; Castelli, E. |
2011 | Cammino di soggetti sani ed emiplegici in presenza di un carico variabile posto sugli arti inferiori | Rossi, Stefano ; Colazza, A.; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P. |
2014 | Compensation to whole body active rotation perturbation | Stefano Rossi; Gazzellini, S.; Maurizio Petrarca; Patane, F.; Saifa, I.; Castelli, E.; Paolo Cappa |
2013 | Differences between children and adults in upper limb motor control during the execution of typical robotic rehabilitation tasks | Pacilli, A.; Germanotta, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P. |
2009 | Disaggregation of reaching inter-joint coordination in children with emiplegia in static and dynamic conditions | Petrarca, M.; Zanelli, G.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano ; Jackson , J. L.; Cappa, P.; Castelli, E. |
2014 | Effects of floor perturbations on gait kinematics of healthy children and children with hemiplegia | Pacilli, A.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P. |
2017 | Effects of the calibration procedure on the metrological performances of stereophotogrammetric systems for human movement analysis | Di Marco, R.; Rossi, Stefano ; Castelli, E.; Patane, F.; Mazza, C.; Cappa, P. |
2011 | Evaluation of vertical forces applied to the end-effector of a planar robot during a rehabilitation session | Marco Germanotta; Petrarca, M.; Stefano Rossi; Paolo Cappa; Castelli, E. |
2013 | Experimental assessment of the effect of magnetic distortion on mimu gait analysis | Palermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P. |
2014 | Experimental validation of a novel protocol for dystonia assessment using MIMU sensors | Palermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Petrarca, M.; Pisano, A.; Cantonetti, L.; Marras Ce; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P. |
2009 | Feasibility of a functional procedure, operator independent, for wearable inertial measurement units in gait analysis | Cappa, P.; Palermo, E.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano ; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E. |
2007 | Gait recovery in children: evidence of effectivness of ecological rehabilitation in a single case study | Petrarca, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Di Rosa, G.; Cappa, P.; Castelli, E. |
2008 | Head stabilization and body coordination induced by horizontal oscillation | Petrarca, M.; Cappa, P.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano ; Colazza, A.; Castelli, E.; Berthoz, A. |
2019 | Inter-laboratory and inter-operator reproducibility in gait analysis measurements in pediatric subjects | Scalona, E.; Kaat, Van Der Krogt; Marjolein, Cappa; Paolo, Rossi; Stefano; Dimarco, R.; Castelli, E.; Desloovere, K.; Van Der Krogt, M.; Cappa, P.; Rossi, Stefano ; Roberto, Castelli; Enrico, Desloovere |
2010 | Kinematic and Kinetic characteristics of planar reaching during robotized training in children with brain injury | Petrarca, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P. |
2009 | Maintenance of equilibrium during a support platform perturbation | Stefano Rossi; Petrarca, M.; Fabrizio Patane; Paolo Cappa; Castelli, E. |
2014 | Measure of stretch reflex spatial thresholds at the ankle in a patient with CP using the Anklebot | Germanotta, M.; Petrarca, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Colazza, A.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P. |
2013 | New dynamic posture assessment and training in children with brain damage | Petrarca, M.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano ; Carniel, S.; Cappa, P.; Castelli, E. |
2012 | Ortesi motorizzata di caviglia e ginocchio | Cappa, P.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano ; Castelli, E.; Petrarca, M. |
2011 | Patient-centered rehabilitation, three years of gait recovery in a child affected by hemiplegia | Maurizio Petrarca; Stefano Rossi; Bollea, L.; Paolo Cappa; Castelli, E. |