Browsing by Author Cappa, P.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 62  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Accuratezza nella misura della dinamica del movimento umano mediante lutilizzo di sensori inerzialiCappa, P.; Palermo, E.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano 
2013Adaptation to divergent force field in children with CP during robotic reaching training evidenced the inertial forces influence on the movementPetrarca, M.; Trapannone, A.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Germanotta, M.; Cappa, P.; Castelli, E.
2017Analysis of Knee Strength Measurements Performed by a Hand-Held Multicomponent Dynamometer and Optoelectronic SystemAncillao, A.; Rossi, Stefano ; Cappa, P.
2017Automated displacement measurements on historical canvasesDel Sette, F.; Patane, F.; Rossi, Stefano ; Torre, M.; Cappa, P.
2011Cammino di soggetti sani ed emiplegici in presenza di un carico variabile posto sugli arti inferioriRossi, Stefano ; Colazza, A.; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P.
2010Centre of pressure in dynamic posturography: a comparison among systems based on a pressure matrix and a force platformRossi, Stefano ; Patane, F.; Scalise, L.; Marchionni, P.; Cappa, P.
2016Concurrent repeatability and reproducibility analyses of four marker placement protocols for the foot-ankle complexDi Marco, R.; Rossi, Stefano ; Racic, V.; Cappa, P.; Mazza, C.
2013Differences between children and adults in upper limb motor control during the execution of typical robotic rehabilitation tasksPacilli, A.; Germanotta, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P.
2016Disability and Fatigue Can Be Objectively Measured in Multiple SclerosisMotta, C.; Palermo, E.; Studer, V.; Germanotta, M.; Germani, G.; Centonze, D.; Cappa, P.; Rossi, Stefano 
2009Disaggregation of reaching inter-joint coordination in children with emiplegia in static and dynamic conditionsPetrarca, M.; Zanelli, G.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano ; Jackson , J. L.; Cappa, P.; Castelli, E.
2008Dispositivo motorizzato per la misura della rigidezza flessionale degli scarponi da sciCappa, P.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano 
2015Dynamic Posturography:pertubed equilibruim assessment on healthy adult subjectsGrassi, L.; Rossi, Stefano ; Cappa, P.
2014Effects of floor perturbations on gait kinematics of healthy children and children with hemiplegiaPacilli, A.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P.
2017Effects of the calibration procedure on the metrological performances of stereophotogrammetric systems for human movement analysisDi Marco, R.; Rossi, Stefano ; Castelli, E.; Patane, F.; Mazza, C.; Cappa, P.
2007Estimation of accuracy of an optoelectronic system in the measurement of head inertial components by means of an accelerometer based deviceCappa, P.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano 
2016Evaluation of the effects on stride-to-stride variability and gait asymmetry in children with Cerebral Palsy wearing the WAKE-up ankle moduleMileti, I.; Taborri, J.; Rossi, Stefano ; Petrarca, M.; Patane, F.; Cappa, P.
2013Experimental assessment of the effect of magnetic distortion on mimu gait analysisPalermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Petrarca, M.; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P.
2008Experimental measurement of the ski boot stiffness in sagittal and frontal planesRossi, Stefano ; Cappa, P.; Patan, F.
2014Experimental validation of a novel protocol for dystonia assessment using MIMU sensorsPalermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Petrarca, M.; Pisano, A.; Cantonetti, L.; Marras Ce; Castelli, E.; Cappa, P.
2012Experimental Validation of an Impedance Controlled Parallel Robot for Postural RehabilitationPatan, F.; Rossi, Stefano ; Cappa, P.