Browsing by Author Campo, M.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of pomegranate peel extracts on bovine mammary epithelial cells BME-UV1Mastrogiovanni, F.; Bernini, Roberta ; Basirico, L.; Bernabucci, U.; Campo, M.; Romani, A.; Santi, L.; Lacetera, N.
2020Frazioni naturali sostenibili come antiossidanti, antimicrobici e biocidi in agricoltura greenGabriele, S.; Campo, M.; Bernini, Roberta ; Romani, A.
2020An industrial and sustainable platform for the production of standardized powders and extracts enriched in polyphenols from Olea europaea L. and Vitis vinifera L. wastes: an opportunity for the biological and biomedical applicationsRomani, A.; Campo, M.; Urciuoli, S.; Marrone, G.; Noce, A.; Bernini, Roberta 
2018An integrated approach of green chemistry and circular economy for the valorization of agro-industrial by-productsBernini, Roberta ; Santi, L.; Pannucci, E.; Clemente, M.; Campo, M.; Scardigli, A.; Romani, A.
2018Tannini idrolizzabili da scarti della lavorazione del castagnoSimone, G.; Moncini, L.; Bernini, Roberta ; Campo, M.; Romani, A.