Browsing by Author Tuttolomondo, Teresa

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Showing results 3 to 4 of 4 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Four-year study on the bio-agronomic response of biotypes of Capparis spinosa L. on the island of Linosa (Italy)La Bella, Salvatore; Rossini, Francesco ; Licata, Mario; Virga, Giuseppe; Ruggeri, Roberto ; Iacuzzi, Nicolò; Leto, Claudio; Tuttolomondo, Teresa
2021Treatment of combined dairy and domestic wastewater with constructed wetland system in Sicily (Italy). Pollutant removal efficiency and effect of vegetation.Licata, Mario; Ruggeri, Roberto ; Iacuzzi, Nicolò; Virga, Giuseppe; Farruggia, Davide; Rossini, Francesco ; Tuttolomondo, Teresa