Naviga per Autore Ricciotti, L.

Mostrati i risultati da 1 a 5 di 5
Data pubblicazioneTitoloAutore/i
2007Effects of environment and progeny on biomass estimations of five hybrid poplar families grown at three contrasting sites across EuropeDillen, S. Y.; Ceulemans, R.; Marron, N.; Bastien, C.; Ricciotti, L.; Salani, F.; Sabatti, Maurizio ; Pinel, M. P.; Rae, A. M.; Taylor, G.
2007GENETIC DISSECTION OF PHENOLOGICAL TRAITS DURING BUDSET IN POPLARSabatti, Maurizio ; Beritognolo, I.; Scarascia Mugnozza, G.; Bastien, C.; Fabbrini, F.; Gaudet, M.; Jorge, V.; Paolucci, I.; Rohde, A.; Ricciotti, L.; Taylor, G.
2010Genomic regions involved in productivity of two interspecific poplar families in Europe. 2. Biomass production and its relationships with tree architecture and phenologyMarron, N.; Boerjan, W.; Storme, V.; Dillen, S. Y.; Bastien, C.; Ricciotti, L.; Salani, F.; Sabatti, Maurizio ; Rae, A. M.; Ceulemans, R.
2010Plasticity of growth and biomass production of an intraspecific Populus alba family grown at three sites across Europe during three growing seasonsMarron, N.; Ceulemans, R.; Pinel, M. P. C.; Taylor, G.; Scarascia Mugnozza, G.; Sabatti, Maurizio ; Ricciotti, L.; Bastien, C.; Beritognolo, I.; Gaudet, M.; Paolucci, I.; Fabbrini, F.; Salani, F.; Dillen, S. Y.
2004POPLAR GERMPLASM RESOURCES IN SHORT ROTATION FORESTRYRicciotti, L.; Sabatti, Maurizio ; Kuzminsky, E.; Nardin, F.; Scarascia Mugnozza, G.