Showing results 71 to 77 of 77
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2004 | Valutazione dei potenziali meccanismi coinvolti nella produzione di cellule endoreduplicate e poliploidi indotte da Ocratossina-A in cellule di mammifero | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Penna, S.; Pepe, G.; Ovidi, L.; Marabottini, C.; Bellacima, R.; Duca, S.; Palitti, F. |
2000 | Werner's syndrome cell lines are hypersensitive to camptothecin-induced chromosomal damage | Pichierri, P.; Franchitto, A.; Mosesso, P ; Palitti, F. |
2000 | Werner's syndrome lymphoblastoid cells are hypersensitive to topoisomerase II inhibitors in the G2 phase of the cell cycle | Pichierri, P.; Franchitto, A.; Mosesso, P ; Proietti De Santis, L.; Balajee, A. S.; Palitti, F. |
2000 | Werners sindrome lymphoblastoid cells are hypersensitive to topoisomerase II inhibitors in the G2 phase of the cell cycle | Pichierri, P.; Franchitto, A.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Proietti De Santis, L.; Balajee As; Palitti, F. |
2000 | Werners syndrome cell lines are hypersensitive to camptothecin-induced chromosomal damage | Pichierri, P.; Franchitto, A.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Palitti, F. |
2001 | Werners syndrome protein is required for correct recovery after replication arrest and DNA damage induced in S-phase of cell cycle | Pichierri, P.; Franchitto, A.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Palitti, F. |
2001 | X-rays-induced chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes in vitro are potentiated under simulated microgravity conditions (Clinostat) | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Schuber, M.; Seibt, D.; Schmitz, C.; Fiore, M.; Schinoppi, A.; Penna, S.; Palitti, F. |