Naviga per Autore Palitti, F.

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Mostrati i risultati da 40 a 59 di 77 < precedente   successiva >
Data pubblicazioneTitoloAutore/i
1993The genetic toxicology of 6-MercaptopurineMosesso, Pasquale ; Palitti, F.
2003Genotoxic profile of the carcinogenic mycotoxin Ochratoxyn-AMosesso, Pasquale ; Pepe, G.; Penna, S.; Rosatelli; Palitti, F.
1999Hypersensitivity of Werner syndrome lymphoblastoid cells to G2 treatments with inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase IIPichierri, P.; Franchitto, A.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Proietti De Santis, L.; Balajee, A. S.; Palitti, F.
2013In vitro cytogenetic assaysMosesso, Pasquale ; Cinelli, S.; Natarajan; Palitti, F.
1995Indirect evidence that delayed DNA synthesis in the G2 phase of the cell cycle is responsible of the enhancement of chromosomal damage induced by G2 treatments with camptothecinMosesso, Pasquale ; Fiore, M.; Bassi, L.; Gigliozzi, S.; Fonti, E.; Schinoppi; Palitti, F.
1998Induction of chromosomal aberrations (unstable and stable) by inhibitors of topoisomerase II, m-AMSA and VP16, using conventional Giemsa staining and chromosome painting techniquesMosesso, Pasquale ; Darroudi, F.; Van Der Berg, M.; Vermeulen, S.; Palitti, F.; Natarajan At
1984Induction of chromosomal damage both in vitro and in vivo by 6 MercaptopurinePalitti, F.; Cozzi, R.; Fiore, M.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Ricordy; Tanzarella, C.
1983Induction of chromosomal damage both in vivo and in vitro by 6-mercaptopurineCozzi, R.; Palitti, F.; Fiore, M.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Ricordy Forster, R. R.; Tanzarella, C.
1979Induction of SCE in different tissues of the mouse in vivoModesti, A.; Cozzi, R.; Degrassi, R.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Rizzoni, M.; Ricordy; Palitti, F.
1993Inhibitors of topoisomerases II-induced chromosome aberrations analysed with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with composite whole chromosome-specific DNA probesMosesso, Pasquale ; Palitti, F.; Vermeulen; Natarajan, A. T.
2017Integration of new biological and physical retrospective dosimetry methods into EU emergency response plans joint RENEB and EURADOS inter-laboratory ComparisonsAinsbury, E.; Beinke, C.; Bortolin, E.; Bossin, L.; Bricknell, C.; Brzoska, K.; Buraczewska, I.; Huertas Casta No, C.; Cemusova, Z.; Christiansson, M.; Cordero Sm; Badie, C.; Cosler, G.; Della Monaca, S.; Desangles, F.; Discher, M.; Dominguez, I.; Doucha-senf, S.; Eakins, J.; Fattibene, P.; Filippi, S.; Frenzel, M.; Barnard, S.; Georgieva, D.; Gregoire, E.; Guogyte, K.; Hadjidekova, V.; Hadjiiska, L.; Hristova, R.; Karakosta, M.; Kis, E.; Kriehuber, R.; Lee, J.; Manning, G.; Lloyd, D.; Lumniczky, K.; Lyng, F.; Macaeva, E.; Majewski, M.; Martins Sv; Mckeever Sws; Meade, A.; Medipally, D.; Meschini, Roberta ; Moquet, J.; Mkacher, R.; Monteiro Gil, O.; Montero, A.; Moreno, M.; Noditi, M.; Oestreicher, U.; Oskamp, D.; Palitti, F.; Palma, V.; Pantelias, G.; Abend, M.; Pateux, J.; Patrono, C.; Pepe, G.; Port, M.; Prieto Mj; Quattrini Mc; Quintens, R.; Ricoul, M.; Roy, L.; Sabatier, L.; Antunes Ac; Sebastia, N.; Sholom, S.; Sommer, S.; Staynova, A.; Strunz, S.; Terzoudi, G.; Testa, A.; Trompier, F.; Valente, M.; Van Hoey, O.; Barrios, L.; Veronese, I.; Wojcik; Woda, C.; Bassinet, C.
1999The involvement of chromatin condensation in campthotecin-induced chromosome breaks in G0 human lymphocytesMosesso, Pasquale ; Fonti, E.; Bassi, L.; Lorenti Garcia, C.; Palitti, F.
1999Lack of effect of caffeine post-treatment on X-rays chromosomal aberrations in Werners syndrome lymphoblastoid cell linesFranchitto, A.; Proietti De Santis, L.; Pichierri, P.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Palitti, F.
2015The micronucleous assay in mammalian cells in vitro to assess health benefits of various phytochemicalsMeschini, Roberta ; Berni, A.; Filippi, S.; Pepe, G.; Grossi Mr; Natarajan At; Palitti, F.
1995Modulation of mutagen induced chromosomal alterationsPalitti, F.; Mosesso, Pasquale 
2005The novel human gene aprataxin is directly involved in DNA single-strand-break repairMosesso, Pasquale ; Piane, M.; Palitti, F.; Pepe, G.; Penna, S.; Chessa, L.
1993Performance of an established Chinese hamster epithelial liver (CHEL) cell line to activate indirectly acting mutagens using cytogenetic assaysMosesso, Pasquale ; Fiore, M.; Turchi; G.; Schinoppi Fonti, A. E.; Fosci; Palitti, F.
1991Positive results on genotoxicity of beryllium sulphate in metabolically competent Chinese hamster epithelial liver (CHEL) cells cultured in vitroMosesso, Pasquale ; Fiore, M.; Di Chiara, D.; Proietti De Santis, L.; Turchi, G.; Schinoppi; Palitti, F.
2004Potassium Bromate but not X-ray cause unexpectedly elevated levels of DNA breakage similar to those induced by ultraviolet light in Cockayne syndrome (CS-B) fibroblastMosesso, Pasquale ; Penna, S.; Pepe, G.; Lorenti; Palitti, F.
1991Reassessment of the in vitro clastogenicity of pesticides employed in citrus gardens of east SicilyBiondi, O.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Motta, S.; Di Silvestro, I.; Di; Palitti, F.