Showing results 28 to 47 of 77
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Effect of blueberries (BB) on micronuclei induced by N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) in mammalian cells, assessed in in vitro and in vivo assays | Pepe, G.; Grossi Mr; Berni, A.; Filippi, S.; Shanmugakani Rk; Papeschi, C.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Natarajan At; Palitti, F. |
1996 | Effect of simulated microgravity conditions on radiation-induced chromosome aberrations and DNA-repair in human lymphocytes | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Schuber, M.; Seibt, D.; Schatz, A.; Fiore, M.; Fonti, E.; Palitti, F. |
1996 | Effect of simulated microgravity conditions on radiation-induced chromosome aberrations and DNA-repair in normal human lymphocytes | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Schuber, M.; Seibt, D.; Fiore, M.; Fonti, E.; Gigliozzi, S.; Palitti, F. |
2001 | Enhancement of genetic instability in human B cells by Epstein-Barr virus latent infection | Gualandi, G.; Giselico, G.; Carloni, M.; Palitti, F.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Alfonsi, A. |
1998 | Evaluation of bleomycin-induced chromosome aberrations under simulated microgravity conditions in human lymphocytes, using FISH techniques | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Schuber, M.; Seibt, D.; Schatz, A.; Fosci, A.; Fonti, E.; Palitti, F. |
1994 | Evaluation of Cytogenetic damage in pesticide-exposed workers employed in floricoltural activities in greenhouses (Lazio, Italy) | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Magnavita, N.; Palitti, F.; Pupp, N.; Schinoppi, A.; Sgura, A.; Tanzarella, C.; Tidei, F.; Antoccia, A.; Becchetti, G.; Bevilacqua, L.; Callopoli, A.; Cimini, D.; De Salvia, R.; Fiore, M.; Gigliozzi, S. |
2014 | Evaluation of the effects of ellagic acid (EA) on 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) induced micronuclei in mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo | Grossi Mr; Berni, A.; Pepe, G.; Filippi, S.; Meschini, Roberta ; Papeschi, C.; Natarajan At; Palitti, F. |
2004 | Evaluation of the potential mechanisms involved in the production of endoreduplication and polyploidy in mammalian cells by Ochratoxin A | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Penna, S.; Pepe, G.; Ovidi, L.; Marabottini, C.; Bellacima, R.; Duca; Palitti, F. |
2000 | Evidence that camptothecin-induced aberrations in the G2 phase of cell cycle of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines is associated with transcription | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Pichierri, P.; Franchitto, A.; Palitti, F. |
1994 | Evidence that delayed DNA-synthesis in the G2 phase of the cell cycle is responsible of the enhancement of chromosomal damage induced by G2 treatments with camptothecin | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Fiore, M.; Bassi, L.; Gigliozzi, S.; Schinoppi; Palitti, F. |
1998 | Evidence that estrogen is clastogenic in Chinese hamster metabolic competent cell line. .New implication for estrogen in cancer? | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Penna, S.; Cinelli, S.; Fonti, E.; Fosci; Palitti, F. |
1997 | Expression of chromosome damage in relation to the cell cycle stage | Palitti, F.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Meschini, R.; Proietti De Santis, L.; Bassi, L.; Pichierri, P.; Franchitto, A.; Ottavianelli, L. |
1993 | The genetic toxicology of 6-Mercaptopurine | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Palitti, F. |
2003 | Genotoxic profile of the carcinogenic mycotoxin Ochratoxyn-A | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Pepe, G.; Penna, S.; Rosatelli; Palitti, F. |
1999 | Hypersensitivity of Werner syndrome lymphoblastoid cells to G2 treatments with inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase II | Pichierri, P.; Franchitto, A.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Proietti De Santis, L.; Balajee, A. S.; Palitti, F. |
2013 | In vitro cytogenetic assays | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Cinelli, S.; Natarajan; Palitti, F. |
1995 | Indirect evidence that delayed DNA synthesis in the G2 phase of the cell cycle is responsible of the enhancement of chromosomal damage induced by G2 treatments with camptothecin | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Fiore, M.; Bassi, L.; Gigliozzi, S.; Fonti, E.; Schinoppi; Palitti, F. |
1998 | Induction of chromosomal aberrations (unstable and stable) by inhibitors of topoisomerase II, m-AMSA and VP16, using conventional Giemsa staining and chromosome painting techniques | Mosesso, Pasquale ; Darroudi, F.; Van Der Berg, M.; Vermeulen, S.; Palitti, F.; Natarajan At |
1984 | Induction of chromosomal damage both in vitro and in vivo by 6 Mercaptopurine | Palitti, F.; Cozzi, R.; Fiore, M.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Ricordy; Tanzarella, C. |
1983 | Induction of chromosomal damage both in vivo and in vitro by 6-mercaptopurine | Cozzi, R.; Palitti, F.; Fiore, M.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Ricordy Forster, R. R.; Tanzarella, C. |