Browsing by Author Palitti, F.

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Showing results 7 to 26 of 77 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998Caffeine effect on the mitotic delay induced by G2-treatment with UVC or mitomycin-CFranchitto, A.; Pichierri, P.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Palitti, F.
2017Capabilities of the RENEB network for research and large scale radiological and nuclear emergency situationsMonteiro Go; Cucu, A.; Della Monaca, S.; Domene Mm; Fattibene, P.; Gregoire, E.; Hadjidekova, V.; Kulka, U.; Lindholm, C.; Meschini, Roberta ; Mkacher, R.; Vaz, P.; Moquet, J.; Oestreicher, U.; Palitti, F.; Pantelias, G.; Montoro Pastor, A.; Popescu Ia; Quattrini Mc; Ricoul, M.; Rothkamm, K.; Sabatier, L.; Romm, H.; Sebasti, N.; Sommer, S.; Terzoudi, G.; Testa, A.; Trompier, F.; Vral, A.; De Angelis, C.; Antunes Ac; Barquinero Jf; Beinke, C.; Bortolin, E.; Burbidge Ci
2000Catalytic inhibition of topoisomerase II in Werners syndrome cell lines enhances chromosomal damage induced by X-rays in the G2 phase of cell cycleFranchitto, A.; Pichierri, P.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Palitti, F.
1999Chromatin structure, DNA repair, cell cycle stage and chromosomal damagePalitti, F.; Schinoppi, A.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Meschini, R.; Bassi, L.; Proietti De Santis, L.; Franchitto, A.; Pichierri, P.; Carloni, M.; Garcia Lorenti, C.
1999Chromosome radiosensitivity in human G2 lymphocytes and cell cycle progressionPalitti, F.; Pichierri, P.; Franchitto, A.; Proietti De Santis, L. ; Mosesso, Pasquale 
1994Clastogenic effects of the dithiocarbamate fungicides thiram and ziram in Chinese hamster cell lines cultured in vitroMosesso, Pasquale ; Turchi, G.; Cinelli, S.; Di Chiara, D.; Fiore; Palitti, F.
1996Comparative analysis of the induction of the chromosomal aberrations and apoptosis in CHO cells after treatment with trymethyltin chloride (TMTC)Mosesso, Pasquale ; Fonti, E.; Meschini, R.; Fosci, A.; Palitti, F.
2012A comparative study of the anticlastogenic effects of chlorophyllin on N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) or 7,12-dimethylbenz () anthracene (DMBA) induced micronuclei in mammalian cells in vitro and in vivoGrossi Mr; Berni, A.; Pepe, G.; Filippi, S.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Shivnani Aa; Papeschi, C.; Natarajan At; Palitti, F.
2012A comparative study of the anticlastogenic effects of chlorophyllin on N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) or 7,12-dimethylbenz (a) anthracene (DMBA) induced micronuclei in mammalian cells in vitro and in vivoGrossi Mr; Berni, A.; Pepe, G.; Filippi, S.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Shivnani Aa; Papeschi, C.; Natarajan At; Palitti, F.
1993Comparison of results obtained in the bone marrow rodent micronucleus test and in vitro cytogenetic assays performed in a metabolically competent Chinese hamster epithelial liver (CHEL) cell line using different classes of procarcinogensMosesso, Pasquale ; Marafante, E.; Fiore, M.; Turchi, G.; Schinoppi; Palitti, F.
1996Cytogenetic biomonitoring in pesticide-exposed workers employed in floricultural activities in greenhousesMosesso, Pasquale ; Tanzarella, C.; Pupp, N.; Antoccia, A.; Laurent; Palitti, F.
1994Cytogenetic biomonitoring of agricultural workers employed in floricultural activities in greenhouses (Lazio, Italy)Mosesso, Pasquale ; Magnavita, N.; Palitti, F.; Pupp, N.; Schinoppi, A.; Sgura, A.; Tanzarella, C.; Tidei, F.; Antoccia, A.; Becchetti, G.; Bevilacqua, L.; Callopoli, A.; Cimini, D.; De Salvia, R.; Fiore, M.; Gigliozzi, S.
1992Cytogenetic effects of beryllium sulphate obtained with a "modified protocol" in Chinese hamster cell lines cultured in vitroMosesso, Pasquale ; Fiore, M.; Di Chiara, D.; Proietti; Palitti, F.
2004Cytogenetic evidence of the involvement of the APTX gene in DNA single strand breaks repairChessa, L.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Piane, M.; Masci, A.; Savio, C.; Pepe, G.; Penna, S.; Palitti, F.
2005Cytogenetic hypersensitivity of ATM defective cells to oxidative damage induced by potassium bromateMosesso, Pasquale ; Piane, M.; Pepe, G.; Palitti, F.; Pinero; Chessa, L.
2005Cytogenetic response of ATM defective cells to oxidative damageMosesso, Pasquale ; Piane, M.; Pepe, G.; Bellacima, R.; Penna, S.; Palitti, F.; Masci, A.; Savio, C.; Chessa, L.
1996Development and validation of alternative metabolic systems for mutagenicity testing in short-term assaysRueff Chiapella, J. C.; Leonard, A.; Llagostera, M.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Natarajan, A. T.; Palitti, F.; Rodriguez, A. S.; Schinoppi, A.; Turchi, G.; Werle-schneider, G.; Chipman, J. K.; Darroudi, F.; Duarte Silva, I.; Duverger-van Bogaert, M.; Fonti, E.; Glatt, H. R.; Isern, P.; Laires, A.
1992Differente sensibilit individuale nella fase G2 del ciclo cellulare alla camptotecina, un inibitore della topoisomerasi IMosesso, Pasquale ; Fiore, M.; Schinoppi; Palitti, F.
1992Differential G2-sensitivity to camptothecin, an inhibitor of DNA topoisomerase I, in human populationsMosesso, Pasquale ; Fiore, M.; Schinoppi; Palitti, F.
1998Distribution of camptothecin-induced breakpoints in Chinese hamster cells treated in late S and G2 phases of the cell cycleBassi, L.; Palitti, F.; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Natarajan At