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Showing results 4 to 6 of 6 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Orange peel pretreatment in a novel lab-scale direct steam-injection apparatus for ethanol production". BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,Santi; Valentini, Riccardo ; Moresi; G.; Crognale; S.; D'annibale; A.; Petruccioli; M.; Ruzzi
2007Production of glucan and related glucan-hydrolases by Botryosphaeria rhodinaCrognale, Silvia ; Bruno, M.; Fidaleo, M.; Moresi; Petruccioli, M.
2010TAMARIX SPP. BIOMASS, A POSSIBLE NON-FOOD FEEDSTOCK FOR BIOETHANOL PRODUCTIONCalisti; R.; Dannibale; A.; Federici; Santi; G.; Crognale; S.; Crognale, Silvia ; Calisti, C.; C.; Canganella, F.; Moresi, Mauro ; Petruccioli, M.; Ruzzi, M.; Valentini, R.; Dannibale, A.; Federici, F.; Santi, G.; Luziatelli, F.; Canganella; F.; Moresi; M.; Petruccioli; Ruzzi; Valentini