Browsing by Author Luo, Z. P.

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Showing results 6 to 12 of 12 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019MIMO shape control at the EAST tokamak: Simulations and experimentsMele, Adriano ; Albanese, R.; Ambrosino, R.; Castaldo, A.; De Tommasi, G.; Luo, Z. P.; Pironti, A.; Yuan, Q. P.; Yuehang, W.; Xiao, B. J.
2020Model-based MIMO isoflux plasma shape control at the EAST tokamak: Experimental resultsAmbrosino, R.; Castaldo, A.; De Tommasi, G.; Luo, Z. P.; Huang, Y.; Mele, Adriano ; Pironti, A.; Wang, Y. H.; Xiao, B. J.
2018Model-based plasma vertical stabilization and position control at EASTDe Tommasi, G.; Xiao, B. J.; Albanese, R.; Ambrosino, R.; Castaldo, A.; Luo, Z. P.; Mele, Adriano ; Pironti, A.; Yuan, Q. P.
2017On plasma vertical stabilization at EAST tokamakDe Tommasi, G.; Mele, Adriano ; Luo, Z. P.; Pironti, A.; Xiao, B. J.
2019Progress on in-vessel poloidal field coils optimization design for alternative divertor configuration studies on the EAST tokamakXiao, B. J.; Castaldo, A.; Lombroni, R.; Minucci, Simone ; Ramogida, G.; CalabrĂ², G.; Luo, Z. P.; Li, H.; Wang, L.; Xu, G. S.; Yao, D. M.; Zhou, Z. B.; CalabrĂ², Giuseppe ; Crisanti, F.
2019Simulation of the radiative control and QSF configuration on EAST by the SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE codeWu, K.; Innocente, P.; CalabrĂ², Giuseppe ; Xiao, B. J.; Luo, Z. P.
2018Simulation suite for plasma magnetic control at EAST tokamakCastaldo, A.; Mele, Adriano ; Albanese, R.; Ambrosino, R.; De Tommasi, G.; Luo, Z. P.; Pironti, A.; Xiao, B. J.; Yuan, Q. P.