Browsing by Author Gabbianelli, Federica

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Showing results 7 to 8 of 8 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Genetic Characterization of a Novel Equus caballus Papillomavirus Isolated from a Thoroughbred MareTurco, Silvia ; Gabbianelli, Federica; Mavian, Carla N.; Pietrucci, Daniele; De Paolis, Livia; Gialletti, Rodolfo; Mechelli, Luca; De Ciucis, Chiara Grazia; Cappelli, Katia; Dell’Anno, Filippo; Mecocci, Samanta; Donato, Gian Guido; Nervo, Tiziana; Fruscione, Floriana; Crescio, Maria Ines; Ghelardi, Alessandro; Chillemi, Giovanni ; Razzuoli, Elisabetta
10-Feb-2011Use of the DNA in the study of ancient livestock populations in a location of central ItalyGabbianelli, Federica