Browsing by Author Clemente, Matteo

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Showing results 5 to 8 of 8 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Densifying, Decompacting, Rethinking Cities: a Mediterranean DebateTomao, A. ,; Sorgi, T.; Clemente, Matteo; Salvati, Luca
2023Paesaggi aridi da riabitare. Le borgate rurali della campagna foggianaClemente, Matteo; Degaetano, Marco
2023Setting–up the public space. From the temporary use of the city to user–centered design for resilient communitiesClemente, Matteo
2023Smart Districts, Smart Landscapes?Clemente, Matteo; Ciaschini, Clio; Quaranta, Giovanni; Salvia, Rosanna; Salvati, Luca