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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2014 | Effect of Postharvest Dehydration on Content of Volatile Organic 2 Compounds in the Epicarp of the Cesanese Grape Berry . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ENOLOGY AND VITICULTURE, | Centioni, L.; Tiberi, D.; Pietromarchi, P.; Bellincontro, A.; Mencarelli, Fabio |
2013 | Effecy of different soil management practices on grapevine growth and on berry quality assessed by NIR-AOTF spectroscopy | Muganu, Massimo ; Paolocci, M.; Gnisci, D.; Barnaba Fe; Bellincontro, A.; Mencarelli, F.; Grosu, I. |
2010 | Ethylene depending and non-depending metabolism during postharvest banana ripening | De Martino, G.; Mincini, M.; Forniti, R.; Botondi, Rinaldo ; Bellincontro, A.; Mencarelli; F. |
2013 | Feasibility of electronic nose to diferentiate commercial Spanish wines elaborated from the same grape variety | Nieves-lopez De Lerma, M.; Bellincontro, A.; Garcia-martinez, T.; Mencarelli, Fabio ; Moreno, J. J. |
2013 | FUSARIUM-TOSSINE NEGLI ALIMENTI ZOOTECNICI | Danieli , P. P.; Bellincontro, A.; Chiavaioli, A.; Pietri, A.; Bertuzzi, T.; Mencarelli, F.; Bernabucci, U.; Ronchi, B. |
2012 | ) Impiego in vigneto di uno spettrofotometro NIR-AOTF per la determinazione della migliore epoca di raccolta | Barnaba, F. E.; Bellincontro, A.; Mencarelli, Fabio |
2003 | Influence of ethylene inhibition by 1-methylcyclopropene on apricot quality, volatile production, and glycosidase activity of low- and high-aroma varieties of apricots | Botondi, Rinaldo ; Desantis, D.; Bellincontro, A.; Vizovitis, K.; Mencarelli, F. |
2007 | Influence of Postharvest Water stress on lipoxigenase and alcohol dehydrogenase activities, and on the composition of some volatile compounds of Gewurtztraminer grapes dehydrated under controlled and uncontrolled thermohygrometric conditions | Chkaiban, L.; Botondi, Rinaldo ; Bellincontro, A.; De Santis, D.; Kefalas, P.; Mencarelli, F. |
2010 | Influenza della disidratazione post raccolta di uve Var. Grechetto bianco sulla concentrazione di isoflavoni | De Sanctis, F.; Luneia, R.; Silvestrini, M. G.; Moscetti, M. L.; Botondi, Rinaldo ; Bellincontro, A.; Mencarelli, F. |
2008 | Influenza della temperatura di appassimento sulla qualit di uve variet Montepulciano | Botondi, Rinaldo ; Antelmi, G.; Frangipane, M. T.; Bellincontro, A.; Forniti, R.; Tiberi, D.; Mencarelli, F. |
2005 | Inhibition of ethylene via different ways affects LOX and ADH activities and related volatiles compounds in peach (cv. Royal Gem) | Bellincontro, A.; Morganti, F.; Desantis, D.; Botondi, Rinaldo ; Mencarelli, F. |
2016 | Management of postharvest grape withering to optimise the aroma of the final wine: A case study on Amarone. FOOD CHEMISTRY, | Bellincontro, A.; Matarese, F.; D'onofrio, C.; Accordini, D.; Tosi, E.; Mencarelli, Fabio |
2009 | Modificazioni del rapporto di durezza della columella/polpa dellactinidia durante la conservazione in RN ed AC | Mencarelli, F.; Bellincontro, A.; Botondi, Rinaldo |
2012 | NIRMAP per mappare la qualità dell'uva in vigneto | Barnaba, E. F.; Bellincontro, A.; Mencarelli, Fabio |
2013 | Oil accumulation in intact olive fruits measured by near infrared spectroscopy-acousto-optically tunable filter | Bellincontro, A.; Caruso, G.; Mencarelli, Fabio ; Gucci, R. |
2015 | Ozone fumigation postharvest treatment for the quality of wine grape. ACTA HORTICULTURAE, | Desanctis, F.; Ceccantoni, B.; Bellincontro, A.; Botondi, R.; Mencarelli, Fabio ; D'onofrio, C.; Ducci, E.; Catelli, C. |
2014 | Portable NIR-AOTF spectroscopy combined with winery FTIR spectroscopy for an easy,rapid, in-fieldmonitoring of Sangiovese grape quality | Barnaba, F. E.; Bellincontro, A.; Mencarelli, Fabio |
2012 | Postharvest dehydration of wine white grapes to increase genistein, daidzein and the main carotenoids, | De Sanctis, F.; Silvestrini , M. G.; Luneia, R.; Botondi, Rinaldo ; Bellincontro, A.; Mencarelli, F. |
2006 | Postharvest Ethylene and 1-MCP Treatment both Affect Phenols, Anthocyanins and Aromatic Quality of Aleatico Grapes and Wine | Bellincontro, A.; Fardelli, A.; De Santis, D.; Botondi, Rinaldo ; Mencarelli, F. |
2007 | Preliminary investigations on Postharvest Water loss of Grape CV Montepulciano variety for the production of Dessert Wine by NIR, Electronic Nose and NMR | Mencarelli, F.; Bellincontro, A.; Botondi, Rinaldo ; Anelli, G.; Valentini, M.; Sequi, P.; Sintonico, M. |