Browsing by Author Sestili, Francesco

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Showing results 45 to 64 of 88 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Identification and characterization of granule bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) gene of tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.)Wang, X.; Feng, B.; Xu, Z.; Sestili, Francesco ; Zhao, G.; Xiang, C.; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Wang, T.
2016The impact of the SSIIa null mutations on grain traits and composition in durum wheatBotticella, E.; Sestili, Francesco ; Ferrazzano, G.; Mantovani, P.; Cammerata, A.; Degidio Mg; Lafiandra, Domenico ; D'egidio, M.
2023Impact of Variation in Amylose Content on Durum Wheat cv. Svevo Technological and Starch PropertiesSissons, Mike; Palombieri, Samuela ; Sestili, Francesco ; Lafiandra, Domenico 
2010Increasing the amylose content of durum wheat through silencing of the SBEIIa genesSestili, Francesco ; Janni, M.; Doherty, A.; Botticella, E.; Dovidio, R.; Masci, Stefania ; Jones, H.; Lafiandra, D.; Jones Hd
2022Increasing the Versatility of Durum Wheat through Modifications of Protein and Starch Composition and Grain HardnessDomenico Lafiandra; Sestili, Francesco ; Mike Sissons; Alecia Kiszonas; Craig F. Morris
2023Interaction between Sulfate and Selenate in Tetraploid Wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) GenotypesCoppa, Eleonora; Celletti, Silvia; Sestili, Francesco ; Mimmo, Tanja; Garcia Molina, Maria Dolores; Cesco, Stefano; Astolfi, Stefania 
2022Introgression of gluten protein genes associated with the D-genome of bread wheat into durum wheatCamerlengo, Francesco; Sestili, Francesco ; Cammerata, Alessandro; Kuzmanović, Ljiljana ; Ceoloni, Carla ; Sissons, Mike; Lafiandra, Domenico 
2018Metabolic response to amylose-rich wheat-based rusks in overweight individualsVetrani, C.; Pacini, G.; Rivellese Aa; Lafiandra, D.; Riccardi, G.; Sestili, Francesco ; Vitale, M.; Botticella, E.; Giacco, R.; Griffo, E.; Costabile, G.; Cipriano, P.; Tura, A.
2021Milling and rheological properties of high amylose wheatDe Arcangelis, Elisa; Trivisonno, Maria Carmela; Angelicola, Martina; Quiquero, Michela; Di Nardo, Valentina; Falasca, Luisa; Sestili, Francesco ; Messia, Maria Cristina; Marconi, Emanuele
2023Milling performance and bread‐making aptitude of the new soft kernel durum wheat variety FaridurPasqualone, Antonella; Palombieri, Samuela ; Koksel, Hamit; Summo, Carmine; De Vita, Pasquale; Sestili, Francesco 
2024Mitigation of acrylamide formation in wood oven baked pizza base using wholemeal and refined wheat flour with low free asparagine content: considerations on fibre intake and starch digestibilityCovino, Clelia; Tafuri, Andrea; Sorrentino, Angela; Masci, Stefania ; Baldoni, Elena; Sestili, Francesco ; Villalonga, Reynaldo; Masi, Paolo
2017Molecular characterisation of two novel starch granule proteins 1 in wild and cultivated diploid A genome wheat speciesBotticella, E.; Pucci, A.; Sestili, Francesco 
2023Molecular insights into the role of amylose/amylopectin ratio on gluten protein organizationEmide, Davide; Magni, Chiara; Saitta, Francesca; Cardone, Gaetano; Botticella, Ermelinda; Fessas, Dimitrios; Iametti, Stefania; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Sestili, Francesco ; Marti, Alessandra; Barbiroli, Alberto
2024Mutations in starch biosynthesis genes affect chloroplast development in wheat pericarpBotticella, Ermelinda; Testone, Giulio; Buffagni, Valentina; Palombieri, Samuela ; Taddei, Anna Rita; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Lucini, Luigi; Giannino, Donato; Sestili, Francesco 
2014New starch phenotypes produced by TILLING in barleySparla, F.; Trost, P.; Falini, G.; Botticella, E.; Pirone, C.; Talamè, V.; Bovina, R.; Salvi, S.; Tuberosa, R.; Sestili, Francesco 
2011A novel wheat variety with elevated content of amylose beneficially influence glycaemia in healthy subjectsHallstrm, E.; Sestili, Francesco ; Lafiandra, D.; Bjrck, I.; Stman, E.
2024Physiological and morphological traits associated with Fusarium head blight response in a flavonoid-rich durum wheat genotypeFelici, Linda; francesconi, sara ; Sestili, Francesco ; Balestra, Giorgio Mariano 
2022Phytochemical Profiling and Untargeted Metabolite Fingerprinting of the MEDWHEALTH Wheat, Barley and Lentil Wholemeal FloursRomano, Giuseppe; Del Coco, Laura; Milano, Francesco; Durante, Miriana; Palombieri, Samuela ; Sestili, Francesco ; Visioni, Andrea; Jilal, Abderrazek; Fanizzi, Francesco Paolo; Laddomada, Barbara
2022Pigmented wheat genotypes as innovative tools against Fusarium head blight diseasefelici, linda; miccoli, cecilia; francesconi, sara ; Sestili, Francesco ; vitali, m.; Balestra, Giorgio Mariano 
2017Production and molecular characterization of bread wheat lines with reduced amount of -type gliadinsCamerlengo, F.; Sestili, Francesco ; Silvestri, M.; Colaprico, G.; Margiotta, B.; Lupi, R.; Masci, S.; Lafiandra, D.