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Mostrati i risultati da 22 a 33 di 33 < precedente 
Data pubblicazioneTitoloAutore/i
2016National and governmental accounting in EU member states. A temporal studySforza, Vincenzo ; Cimini, Riccardo 
2014NPM 2.0Sforza, Vincenzo ; Stefanoni, Alessandra 
2024Performance management and measurement impacts on universities: (re)viewing the past, present and futureGuthrie, James; Manes-Rossi, Francesca; Orelli, Rebecca Levy; Sforza, Vincenzo 
2020Private (economic) value versus public (social) value: le sfide dei modelli orientati alla stima del valore creatoMechelli, Alessandro; Sforza, Vincenzo 
2017Running the Obstacle Race towards Public Accounting Harmonization in EU-28: A Temporal StudySforza, Vincenzo ; Cimini, Riccardo 
2020The (Sub-Optimal) Use of Technological Innovation by Public Healthcare Organization Management: a Literature ReviewSforza, Vincenzo ; Cimini, Riccardo
2023The debate around EPSAS: a structured literature review for scholars and practitionersSforza, Vincenzo ; Cimini, Riccardo; Fanti, Elisa
2015The relevance and the reliability of IAS 39 financial instruments categoriesSforza, Vincenzo ; Cimini, Riccardo
2018The usefulness of regulatory capital for investors’ judgments in the Basel 3 Framework.Stefanoni, Alessandra ; Cimini, Riccardo ; Mechelli, Alessandro; Sforza, Vincenzo 
2018The usefulness of regulatory capital for investors’ judgments in the Basel 3 frameworkSforza, Vincenzo ; Stefanoni, Alessandra ; Cimini, Riccardo ; Mechelli, Alessandro
2018The value relevance of fair value hierarchy. Empirical evidence from the European UnionMechelli, Alessandro; Sforza, Vincenzo ; Stefanoni, Alessandra ; Cimini, Riccardo 
2018Towards the modernisation of EU public sector accounting standards: Lessons from the reconciliation between national and governmental accountingSforza, Vincenzo ; Mechelli, Alessandro ; Cimini, Riccardo