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Mostrati i risultati da 106 a 119 di 119 < precedente 
Data pubblicazioneTitoloAutore/i
2015Technical quality assessment of an optoelectronic system for movement analysisDi Marco, R.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patane, F.; Cappa, P.
2014Technical quality assessment of an optoelectronic system performance for gait analysis purposeDi Marco, R.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Cappa, P.
2014Technical quality assurance for the strength measurements performed with a hand held dynamometerAncillao, A.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Pacilli, A.; Cappa, P.
2009Towards a functional gait classification in children with cerebral palsyPetrarca, M.; Colazza, A.; Rossi, Stefano ; Patan, F.; Jackson , J. L.; Frascarelli, F.; Di Rosa, G.; Cappa, P.; Castelli, E.
2008Two calibration procedures for a gyroscope-free inertial measurement system based on a double-pendulum apparatusCappa, P.; Patan, F.; Rossi, Stefano 
2007Use of a 1-DOF rotating platform to study the rotations of human body on horizontal planeBerthoz, A.; Cappa, P.; Patan, F.; Petrarca, M.; Rossi, Stefano ; Zanelli, G.
2020Using an ankle robotic device for motor performance and motor learning evaluationMartelli, Francesca; Palermo, Eduardo; Del Prete, Zaccaria; Rossi, Stefano 
2021Validation of a 3D Markerless System for Gait Analysis Based on OpenPose and Two RGB WebcamsD'Antonio, Erika; Taborri, Juri ; Mileti, Ilaria; Rossi, Stefano ; Patane, Fabrizio
2017Validation of Ankle Strength Measurements by Means of a Hand-Held Dynamometer in Adult Healthy SubjectsAncillao, A.; Palermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano 
2015Validation of Inter-Subject Training for Hidden Markov Models Applied to Gait Phase Detection in Children with Cerebral PalsyTaborri, J.; Scalona, E.; Palermo, E.; Rossi, Stefano ; Cappa, P.
2017WAKE-Up Exoskeleton to Assist Children With Cerebral Palsy: Design and Preliminary Evaluation in Level WalkingPatane, F.; Rossi, Stefano ; Del Sette, F.; Taborri, J.; Cappa, P.
2014WAKE-up: a Wearable Ankle Knee ExoskeletonRossi, Stefano ; Patane, F.; Del Sette, F.; Cappa, P.
2023WARNING: A Wearable Inertial-Based Sensor Integrated with a Support Vector Machine Algorithm for the Identification of Faults during Race WalkingTaborri, Juri ; Palermo, Eduardo; Rossi, Stefano 
2016A Wearable Setup for Auditory Cued Gait Analysis in Patients with Parkinsons DiseasePacilli, A.; Cappa, P.; Mileti, I.; Germanotta, M.; Di Sipio, E.; Imbimbo, I.; Aprile, I.; Padua, L.; Rossi, Stefano ; Palermo, E.