Browsing by Author Nascetti, Giuseppe

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Showing results 62 to 81 of 90 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016A new population of European cave salamanders (genus Hydromantes) from west-central France. Relict or introduction?Lucente, D.; Renet, J.; Gailledrat, M.; Tillet, J.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Cimmaruta, R.
2016No more time to stay 'single' in the detection of Anisakis pegreffii, A. simplex (s. s.) and hybridization events between them. A multi-marker nuclear genotyping approachMattiucci, S.; Acerra, V.; Paoletti, M.; Cipriani, P.; Levsen, A.; Webb , S. C.; Canestrelli, D.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2016No more time to stay single in the detection of Anisakis pegreffii, A. simplex (s. s.) and hybridization events between them. A multi-marker nuclear genotyping approachMattiucci, S.; Acerra, V.; Paoletti, M.; Cipriani, P.; Levsen, A.; Webb , S. C.; Canestrelli, D.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2014Northern richness and cryptic refugia Phylogeography of the Italian smooth newt Lissotriton vulgaris meridionalisMaura, M.; Salvi, D.; Bologna; M. A.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Canestrelli, D.
2012On glacial refugia, genetic diversity and microevolutionary processes deep phylogeographic structure in the endemic newt Lissotriton italicusCanestrelli, D.; Sacco, F.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2012One species, three Pleistocene evolutionary histories phylogeography of the Italian crested newt, Triturus carnifexCanestrelli, D.; Salvi, D.; Maura, M.; Bologna Ma; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2013Parasite assemblages in the Western whip snake Hierophis viridiflavus carbonarius (Colubridae) from southern ItalySantoro, M.; Fj Aznar; Mattiucci, S.; Jm Kinsella; Pellegrino, F.; Cipriani, P.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2014Parasite communities of icefish (Chionodraco hamatus) in the Ross Sea (Antarctica). Influence of the host sex on the helminth infracommunity structureSantoro, M.; Mattiucci, S.; Cipriani, P.; Bellisario, B.; Romanelli, F.; Cimmaruta, R.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2013Parasitic infection by larval helminths in Antarctic fish pathological changes and impact on the host body condition indexSantoro, M.; Mattiucci, S.; Work, T.; Cimmaruta, R.; Nardi, V.; Cipriani, P.; Bellisario, B.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2015Persistence, isolation and diversification of a naturally fragmented species in local refugia. The case of hydromantes strinatiiCimmaruta, R.; Lucente, D.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2018Population genetic structure of the parasite Anisakis simplex (s. s.) collected in Clupea harengus L. from North East Atlantic fishing groundsMattiucci, S.; Pierce Gj; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Giulietti, L.; Paoletti, M.; Cipriani, P.; Gay, M.; Levsen, A.; Klapper, R.; Karl, H.; Bao, M.
2017Quaternary history, population genetic structure and diversity of the cold-adapted Alpine newt Ichthyosaura alpestris in peninsular ItalyChiocchio, A.; Bisconti, R.; Zampiglia, M.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Canestrelli, Daniele 
2017Quaternary history, population genetic structure and diversity of the cold-adapted Alpine newt Ichthyosaura alpestris in peninsular ItalyChiocchio, A. ; Bisconti, Roberta ; Zampiglia, Mauro; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Canestrelli, Daniele 
2017Quaternary history, population genetic structure and diversity of the cold-adapted Alpine newt Ichthyosaura alpestris in peninsular ItalyChiocchio, Andrea ; Bisconti, Roberta ; Zampiglia, Mauro; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Canestrelli, Daniele 
2017Reviewing biodiversity and epidemiological aspects of anisakid nematodes from the North-east Atlantic OceanMattiucci, S.; Cipriani, P.; Paoletti, M.; Levsen, A.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2012Rhabdias esculentarum n. sp. (Nematoda Rhabdiasidae) from green frogs of the Rana esculenta species complex in Italy: molecular evidence, morphological description and genetic differentiation from its congeners in frogs and toadsCipriani, P.; Mattiucci, S.; Paoletti, M.; Santoro, M.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2017The role of habitat choice in micro-evolutionary dynamics. An experimental study on the Mediterranean killifish Aphanius fasciatus (Cyprinodontidae)Angeletti, D.; Sebbio, C.; Carlini, A.; Strinati, C.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Carere, C.; Cimmaruta, R.
2016Spatial and temporal variation of coastal mainland vs. insular amphipod assemblages on Posidonia oceanica meadowsBellisario, B.; Camisa, F.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Lattanzi, L.; Cimmaruta, Roberta 
2015Speciation history and widespread introgression in the European short-call tree frogs (Hyla arborea sensu lato, H. intermedia and H. sarda)Gvoždík, V.; García-París, M.; Kotlík, P.; Canestrelli, Daniele ; García-París, M.; Moravec, J.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Recuero, E.; Teixeira, J.; Kotlík, P.; Gvoždík, V.
2016Species composition and infection dynamics of ascaridoid nematodes in Barents Sea capelin (Mallotus villosus) reflecting trophic position of fish hostLevsen, A.; Paoletti, M.; Cipriani, P.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Mattiucci, S.