Showing results 43 to 62 of 90
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | IgE sensitization to Anisakis pegreffii in Italy. Comparison of two methods for the diagnosis of allergic anisakiasis | Mattiucci, S.; Colantoni, A.; Crisafi, B.; Mori-ubaldini, F.; Caponi, L.; Fazii, P.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Bruschi, F. |
2013 | Infaunal macrobenthic community dynamics in a manipulated hyperaline ecosystem. A long-term study | Bellisario, B.; Carere, C.; Cerfolli, F.; Angeletti, D.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Cimmaruta, C. |
2015 | Integrating Anisakis spp. parasites data and host genetic structure in the frame of a holistic approach for stock identification of selected Mediterranean Sea fish species | Mattiucci, S; Cimmaruta, Roberta ; Cipriani, P; Abaunza, P; Bellisario, B; Nascetti, Giuseppe |
2012 | The interplay between network structure and functioning of detritus-based communities in patchy aquatic environment | Bellisario, B.; Cerfolli, Fulvio ; Nascetti, Giuseppe |
2014 | Interspecies variation in DNA damage induced by pollution | Sebbio, C.; Carere, Claudio ; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Cimmaruta, Roberta ; Angeletti, Dario ; Bellisario, B.; Angeletti; D. |
2017 | Invasive anisakiasis by the parasite Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda Anisakidae): Diagnosis by real-time PCR hydrolysis probe system and immunoblotting assay | Mattiucci, S.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Paoletti, M.; Colantoni, A.; Carbone, A.; Gaeta, R.; Proietti, A.; Frattaroli, S.; Fazii, P.; Bruschi, F. |
2017 | Inventorying Biodiversity of Anisakid Nematodes from the Austral Region. A Hotspot of Genetic Diversity? | Mattiucci, S.; Paoletti, M.; Cipriani, P.; Webb Sc; Timi Jt; Nascetti, Giuseppe |
2013 | Invertebrate welfare. An overlooked issue | Horvath, K.; Angeletti, D.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Carere, C. |
2021 | Investigating the genetic structure of the parasites Anisakis pegreffii and A. berlandi (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in a sympatric area of the southern Pacific Ocean waters using a multilocus genotyping approach: first evidence of their interspecific hybridization | Bello, Eleonora; Palomba, Marialetizia ; Webb, Stephen C; Paoletti, Michela ; Cipriani, Paolo; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Mattiucci, Simonetta |
2016 | Larval migration of the zoonotic parasite Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda Anisakidae) in European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus: Implications to seafood safety | Cipriani, P.; Acerra, V.; Bellisario, B.; Sbaraglia , G. L.; Cheleschi, R.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Mattiuci, S. |
2023 | Limited holding space reduces growth and behavioural performance in juvenile European lobsters | Latini, Lorenzo; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Grignani, Giacomo; Bello, Eleonora; Polverino, Giovanni ; Canestrelli, Daniele ; Carere, Claudio |
2023 | Limited holding space reduces growth and behavioural performance in juvenile European lobsters | Latini, Lorenzo; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Grignani, Giacomo; Bello, Eleonora; Polverino, Giovanni ; Canestrelli, Daniele ; Carere, Claudio |
2018 | The Mediterranean European hake, Merluccius merluccius. Detecting drivers influencing the Anisakis spp. larvae distribution | Cipriani, P.; Mattiucci, S.; Sbaraglia Gl; Paoletti, M.; Giulietti, L.; Bellisario, B.; Palomba, M.; Buseli, I.; Mladineo, I.; Nascetti, Giuseppe |
2014 | Metazoan parasite infection in the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, from the Mediterranean Sea and comparison with Atlantic populations | Mattiucci, S.; Garcia, A.; Cipriani, P.; Santos , M. N.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Cimmaruta, R. |
2018 | Molecular Epidemiology of Anisakis and Anisakiasis. An Ecological and Evolutionary Road Map | Mattiucci, S.; Cipriani, P.; Levsen, A.; Paoletti, M.; Nascetti, Giuseppe |
2013 | Molecular identification and larval morphological description of Contracaecum pelagicum (Nematoda Anisakidae) from the anchovy Engraulis anchoita (Engraulidae) and fish-eating birds from the Argentine North Patagonian Sea | Garbin, L.; Mattiucci, S.; Paoletti, M.; Diaz; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Navone, G. |
2015 | Molecular Systematics and Origin of the Mediterranean Sea Rock-Pool Mosquitoes of the Aedes mariae (Diptera Culicidae) Complex | Mastrantonio, V.; Porretta, D.; Bellini, R.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Urbanelli, S. |
2018 | More than ‘stability’ behind the rising of a hotspot of genetic diversity | Andrea Chiocchio; Bisconti, Roberta ; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Canestrelli, Daniele |
2012 | Multilocus species tree analyses resolve the radiation of the widespread Bufo bufo species group (Anura, Bufonidae) | Recuero, E.; Caputo Fp; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Martnez-solano, I.; Vörös, J.; Szabó, K.; Caputo, F. P.; Martínez-solano, I.; Canestrelli, Daniele ; Vörös, J.; Szabó, K.; Poyarkov Na; Arntzen Jw; Crnobrnja-isailovic, J.; Kidov Aa; Cogălniceanu, D. |
2016 | A new population of European cave salamanders (genus Hydromantes) from west-central France. Relict or introduction? | Lucente, D.; Renet, J.; Gailledrat, M.; Tillet, J.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Cimmaruta, R. |