Browsing by Author Nascetti, Giuseppe

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Showing results 32 to 51 of 90 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Genetic and morphological approaches for distinguishing the three cryptic species of the Anisakis simplex species complex, with a nomenclatural designation for A. simplex species C (NematodaMattiucci, S.; Cipriani, P.; Webb Sc; Paoletti, M.; Marcer, F.; Bellisario, B.; Gibson Di; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2015Genetic identification and distribution of the parasitic larvae of Anisakis pegreffii and Anisakis simplex (s. s.) in European hake Merluccius merluccius from the Tyrrhenian Sea and Spanish Atlantic coastCipriani, P.; Smaldone, G.; Acerra, V.; D'angelo, L.; Anastasio, A.; Bellisario, B.; Palma, G.; Mattiucci, S.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2015Genetic identification and distribution of the parasitic larvae of Anisakis pegreffii and Anisakis simplex (s. s.) in European hake Merluccius merluccius from the Tyrrhenian Sea and Spanish Atlantic coast: Implications for food safetyCipriani, Paolo; Smaldone, Giorgio; Acerra, Virginia; D'Angelo, Luisa; Anastasio, Aniello; Bellisario, Bruno; Palma, Giuseppe; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Mattiucci, Simonetta
2020Genetic identification and insights into the ecology of Contracaecum rudolphii A and C. rudolphii B (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from cormorants and fish of aquatic ecosystems of Central ItalyMattiucci, Simonetta; Sbaraglia, Gian Luca; Palomba, Marialetizia ; Filippi, Sara; Paoletti, Michela ; Cipriani, Paolo; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2013Geographic distribution of the chytrid pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis among mountain amphibians along the Italian peninsulaZampiglia, M.; Canestrelli, Daniele ; Chiocchio, A. ; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2013A geographic mosaic of evolutionary lineages within the insular endemic newt Euproctus montanusBisconti, R.; Canestrelli, Daniele ; Salvi, D.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2013Has Living on Islands Been So Simple? Insights from the Insular Endemic Frog Discoglossus montalentiiBisconti, R.; Canestrelli, Daniele ; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2012Helminth Communities of Owls (Strigiformes) Indicate Strong Biological and Ecological Differences from Birds of Prey (Accipitriformes and Falconiformes) in Southern ItalySantoro, M.; Mattiucci, S.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Jm Kinsella; Di Prisco, F.; Troisi, S.; D'alessio, N.; Veneziano, V.; Fj Aznar
2018Helminth parasites of the dwarf sperm whale Kogia sima (Cetacea Kogiidae) from the Mediterranean Sea, with implications on host ecologySantoro; Hochscheid, S.; Blanco, C.; Cerrone, A.; Galiero, G.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Mattiucci, S.; Aemail Author, M.; Di Nocera; F. A.; Iaccarino; D. A.; Cipriani, P.; Guadano Procesi, I.; Maffucci, F.
2018Hybridization and extensive mitochondrial introgression among fire salamanders in peninsular ItalyBisconti, R.; Porretta, D.; Arduino, P.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Canestrelli, D.
2014Hybridization, natural selection, and evolution of reproductive isolation. A 25-years survey of an artificial sympatric area between two mosquito sibling species of the aedes mariae complexUrbanelli, S.; Porretta, D.; Mastrantonio, V.; Bellini, R.; Pieraccini, G.; Romoli, R.; Crasta, G.; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2017IgE sensitization to Anisakis pegreffii in Italy. Comparison of two methods for the diagnosis of allergic anisakiasisMattiucci, S.; Colantoni, A.; Crisafi, B.; Mori-ubaldini, F.; Caponi, L.; Fazii, P.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Bruschi, F.
2013Infaunal macrobenthic community dynamics in a manipulated hyperaline ecosystem. A long-term studyBellisario, B.; Carere, C.; Cerfolli, F.; Angeletti, D.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Cimmaruta, C.
2015Integrating Anisakis spp. parasites data and host genetic structure in the frame of a holistic approach for stock identification of selected Mediterranean Sea fish speciesMattiucci, S; Cimmaruta, Roberta ; Cipriani, P; Abaunza, P; Bellisario, B; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2012The interplay between network structure and functioning of detritus-based communities in patchy aquatic environmentBellisario, B.; Cerfolli, Fulvio ; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2014Interspecies variation in DNA damage induced by pollutionSebbio, C.; Carere, Claudio ; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Cimmaruta, Roberta ; Angeletti, Dario ; Bellisario, B.; Angeletti; D.
2017Invasive anisakiasis by the parasite Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda Anisakidae): Diagnosis by real-time PCR hydrolysis probe system and immunoblotting assayMattiucci, S.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Paoletti, M.; Colantoni, A.; Carbone, A.; Gaeta, R.; Proietti, A.; Frattaroli, S.; Fazii, P.; Bruschi, F.
2017Inventorying Biodiversity of Anisakid Nematodes from the Austral Region. A Hotspot of Genetic Diversity?Mattiucci, S.; Paoletti, M.; Cipriani, P.; Webb Sc; Timi Jt; Nascetti, Giuseppe 
2013Invertebrate welfare. An overlooked issueHorvath, K.; Angeletti, D.; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Carere, C.
2021Investigating the genetic structure of the parasites Anisakis pegreffii and A. berlandi (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in a sympatric area of the southern Pacific Ocean waters using a multilocus genotyping approach: first evidence of their interspecific hybridizationBello, Eleonora; Palomba, Marialetizia ; Webb, Stephen C; Paoletti, Michela ; Cipriani, Paolo; Nascetti, Giuseppe ; Mattiucci, Simonetta