Naviga per Autore Masci, Stefania

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Mostrati i risultati da 138 a 157 di 168 < precedente   successiva >
Data pubblicazioneTitoloAutore/i
1994Ranunculus auricomus L. aggr. (Ranunculaceae) in Italy. I. Sexual tetraploids on the AppeninesMasci, Stefania ; Miho, A.; Marchi, P.
1989Rapid cytofluorimetric determination of leaf nuclear DNA content in the polyploid series Ranunculus marsicus Guss. & Ten. (R. auricomus agg., Ranunculaceae)Sgorbati, S.; Masci, Stefania ; Soler, V.; Marchi, P.
2020Reduction of Allergenic Potential in Bread Wheat RNAi Transgenic Lines Silenced for CM3, CM16 and 0.28ATI GenesKalunke, Raviraj M; Tundo, Silvio; Sestili, Francesco ; Camerlengo, Francesco; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Lupi, Roberta; Larré, Colette; Denery-Papini, Sandra; Islam, Shahidul; Ma, Wujun; D'Amico, Stefano; Masci, Stefania 
2020Reduction of Allergenic Potential in Bread Wheat RNAi Transgenic Lines Silenced for CM3, CM16 and 0.28ATI GenesKalunke Raviraj, M.; Ma, Wujun; D'amico, Stefano; Masci, Stefania ; Tundo, Silvio; Sestili, Francesco ; Camerlengo, Francesco; Lafiandra, Domenico; Lupi, Roberta; Larré, Colette; Denery-papini, Sandra; Islam, Shahidul
1992Relationship between D genome in hexaploid wheats (AABBDD) and Ae. squarrosa as deduced by seed storage proteins and molecular marker analysesLafiandra, D.; Masci, Stefania ; Dovidio, R.; Tanzarella Oa; Porceddu, E.; Margiotta, B.
2008Relationships between protein composition and gluten strenght in different durum wheat genotypesPanichi, D.; Masci, Stefania ; De Ambrogio, E.; Lafiandra, D.
2010Relationships between protein composition and gluten strength in a set of durum wheat RILsPanichi, D.; Masci, Stefania ; De Ambrogio, E.; Lafiandra, D.
2009A relaxed specificity in interchain disulfide bond formation characterises the assembly of a low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit in the endoplasmic reticulumLombardi, A.; Barbante, A.; Della Cristina, P.; Rosiello, D.; Castellazzi, C. L.; Sbano, L.; Masci, Stefania ; Ceriotti, A.
1992RFLP and PCR analyses at Gli-1, Gli-2, Glu-1 and Glu-3 loci of durum and wild wheatsDovidio, R.; Tanzarella Oa; Masci, Stefania ; Lafiandra, D.; Porceddu, E.
2010Role of glutathione in the early stages of low-molecular-weight subunit assemblyLombardi, A.; Castellazzi, C. L.; Barbante, A.; Masci, Stefania ; Ceriotti, A.
1996Sequence analysis of the 5 non coding regions of active and inactive 1Ay HMW glutenin genes from wild and cultivated wheatsDovidio, R.; Masci, Stefania ; Porceddu, E.
2021Statement of the Prolamin Working Group on the Determination of Gluten in Fermented Foods Containing Partially Hydrolyzed GlutenScherf, Katharina Anne; Catassi, Carlo; Chirdo, Fernando G; Ciclitira, Paul J; Feighery, Conleth Francis; Gianfrani, Carmen; Koning, Frits; Lundin, Knut E A; Masci, Stefania ; Schuppan, Detlef; Smulders, Marinus J M; Tranquet, Olivier; Troncone, Riccardo; Koehler, Peter
2004Structural analyses of two heterologously expressed native and mutated low molecular weight glutenin subunitsConsalvi, V.; Chiaraluce, R.; Patacchini, C.; Lafiandra, D.; Dovidio, R.; Masci, Stefania 
2000Structural differences in allelic glutenin subunits of high and low Mr and their relationships with flour technological propertiesLafiandra, D.; Masci, Stefania ; Dovidio, R.; Turchetta, T.; Colaprico, G.
2010Study Of The Maturation Process Of Low Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits By Means Of Transgenic Wheat Plants And Proteomic ApproachesEgidi, E.; Janni, M.; Sestili, F.; Ceriotti, A.; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, D.; Kasarda, D. D.; Vensel, W. H.; Masci, Stefania 
1994Synthesis of polymeric protein during grain development in hexaploid wheatGupta Rb; Masci, Stefania ; Lafiandra, D.; Bariana Hs; Macritchie, F.
2023The silencing of TdIPK1 genes enhances micronutrient concentration in durum wheat grainFrittelli, Arianna; Palombieri, Samuela ; Quagliata, Giulia; Celletti, Silvia; Astolfi, Stefania ; Botticella, Ermelinda; Masci, Stefania ; De Vita, Pasquale; Volpato, Mirko; Sestili, Francesco 
2023The suppression of TdMRP3 genes reduces the phytic acid and increases the nutrient accumulation in durum wheat grainFrittelli, Arianna; Botticella, Ermelinda; Palombieri, Samuela ; Masci, Stefania ; Celletti, Silvia; Fontanella, Maria Chiara; Astolfi, Stefania ; De Vita, Pasquale; Volpato, Mirko; Sestili, Francesco 
2019Thermal treatment reduces gliadin recognition by IgE, but a subsequent digestion and epithelial crossing permits recoveryLupi, R.; Denery-papini, S.; Claude, M.; Tranquet, O.; Drouet, M.; Masci, Stefania ; Larré, C.
1991Two-dimensional electrophoresis of 1D encoded B and D glutenin subunits in common wheats with similar omega-gliadinsMasci, Stefania ; Porceddu, E.; Lafiandra, D.