Browsing by Author Masci, Stefania

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Showing results 84 to 103 of 168 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003Heterologous expression and purification of native and mutated LMW-GS from durum wheatPatacchini, C.; Masci, Stefania ; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, D.
2013How much does transgenesis affect wheat allergenicity?Lupi, R.; Moneret-vautrin, A. D.; Denery-papini, S.; Rogniaux, H.; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Rizzi, C.; De Carli, M.; Moneret-vautrin Da; Masci, Stefania ; Larr, C.
2011How much the transgenesis affects the allergenicity?Lupi, R.; Denery, D.; Lafiandra, D.; Masci, Stefania ; Larr, C.
2007Hypothetical differential processing of low molecular weight glutenin subunits Met- and Ser-types at their N-terminal endFerrante, P.; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, D.; Ceriotti, A.; Vensel, W. H.; Kasarda, D. D.; Masci, Stefania 
2011Identification of chromosome 5A encoded polypeptides in wheat kernelsGombaud, G.; Rogniaux, H.; Masci, Stefania ; Lafiandra, D.
1996Identification of cysteine residues in a LMW glutenin subunit that is associated with good quality characteristicsMasci, Stefania ; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, D.; Kasarda Dd
2000Identification of dimers formed by the low molecular weight glutenin subunits belonging to the D groupMasci, Stefania ; Egorov Ta; Kasarda Dd; Porceddu, E.; Lafiandra, D.
2010Identification Of Wheat Chromosome 5A Encoded Polypeptides By A Proteomic ApproachGombaud, G.; Masci, Stefania ; Lafiandra, D.
2010Increasing the amylose content of durum wheat through silencing of the SBEIIa genesSestili, Francesco ; Janni, M.; Doherty, A.; Botticella, E.; Dovidio, R.; Masci, Stefania ; Jones, H.; Lafiandra, D.; Jones Hd
2003Influence of the over-expression of a transgenic low molecular weight glutenin subunit on gluten protein organization and SDS-sedimentationMasci, Stefania ; Dovidio, R.; Scossa, F.; Patacchini, C.; Lafiandra, D.; Anderson, O. D.; Blechl, A.
2010Influence of water deficit on durum wheat storage protein composition and technological qualityFlagella, Z.; Giuliani, M. M.; Giuzio, L.; Volpi, C.; Masci, Stefania 
2005Influenza del deficit idrico sulla composizione proteica e sulla qualit tecnologica del frumento duroFlagella, Z.; Giuliani Mm; Giuzio, L.; De Caro, A.; Di Fonzo, N.; Masci, Stefania 
2012Intracellular trafficking and tissue distribution of gluten proteinsTosi, P.; Masci, Stefania ; Shewry, P. R.; Freeman, J.; Gritsch, C.; Sparks, C.; Jones, H. D.; Funatsuki, W.; Niwa, K.; Egidi, E.; Ceriotti, A.
2012Intracellular traffiking and tissue distribution of gluten proteinsTosi, P.; Masci, Stefania ; Shewry, P. R.; Freeman, J.; Gritsch, C.; Sparks, C.; Jones, H. D.; Funatsuki, W.; Niwa, K.; Egidi, E.; Ceriotti, A.
2000Introduction of the D-genome related high-, low-MR glutenin subunits into durum wheat, their effect on technological propertiesLafiandra, D.; Margiotta, B.; Colaprico, G.; Masci, Stefania ; Roth Mr; Macritchie
1996Isolation, characterisation of members of the LMW glutenin gene family in durum wheatDovidio, R.; Simeone, M.; Marchitelli, C.; Masci, Stefania ; Porceddu, E.
1987Isozyme variability detected by gel electrophoresisBianchi, G.; Damato, G.; Foddai, S.; Masci, Stefania ; Pigliucci, M.; Serafini, M.
2012Kernel components of technological valueLafiandra, D.; Masci, Stefania ; Sissons, M.; Dornez, E.; Delcour, J. A.; Courtin, C. M.; Caboni, M. F.
2018Le traitement thermique rduit la reconnaissance des gliadines par les IgE, mais une digestion partielle et un passage au travers lpithlium intestinal modlis permet son rtablissementLupi, R.; Denery-papini, S.; Claude, M.; Tranquet, O.; Deshayes, G.; Pineau, F.; Drouet, M.; Masci, Stefania ; Larr, C.
2010Lendosperma di frumentoCeriotti, A.; Masci, Stefania ; Lafiandra, D.