Browsing by Author Masci, Stefania

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Showing results 4 to 23 of 168 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020A cross between bread wheat and a 2D(2R) disomic substitution triticale line leads to the formation of a novel disomic addition line and provides information of the role of rye secalins on breadmaking characteristicsSestili, Francesco ; Margiotta, Benedetta; Vaccino, Patrizia; Moscaritolo, Salvatore; Giorgi, Debora; Lucretti, Sergio; Palombieri, Samuela ; Masci, Stefania ; Lafiandra, Domenico 
2022Absolute and relative quantitation of amylase/trypsin-inhibitors by LC-MS/MS from wheat lines obtained by CRISPR-Cas9 and RNAiGeisslitz S; Islam S; Buck L; Grunwald-Gruber C; Sestili, Francesco ; Camerlengo Francesco; Masci, Stefania ; D'Amico Stefano
2011Accumulation of CM proteins in old and new durum wheat cultivars under different nitrogen fertilizationRivera Ortiz, L. M.; Benedettelli, S.; Ghiselli, L.; Lafiandra, D.; Masci, Stefania 
1996Accumulation of protein subunits and their polymers in developing grains of hexaploid wheatsGupta Rb; Masci, Stefania ; Lafiandra, D.; Bariana Hs; Macritchie, F.
2010Allergens Of The Salt-Soluble Fraction Of The Grain Are Not Modified In A Gm Line Over-Expressing A Glutenin Low Molecular Weight SubunitLupi, R.; Denery, D.; Lafiandra, D.; Masci, Stefania ; Larr, C.
2008Alterations of gene and protein expression in a transgenic bread wheat line over-expressing a low molecular weight glutenin subunit geneScossa, F.; Laudencia-chingcuanco, D.; Anderson , O. D.; Vensel, W. H.; Kasarda , D. D.; Lafiandra, D.; Dovidio, R.; Masci, Stefania 
2008Analisi genomiche e proteomiche per il migliotamento della qualit e sicurezza delle produzioni agrarieLafiandra, D.; Masci, Stefania ; Reforgiato Recupero, G.; Terzi, V.; Carputo, D.; Odoardi, M.
2015Analysis of quality-related parameters in mature kernels of PGIP transgenic bread wheat infected with Fusarium graminearumMasci, Stefania ; Dovidio, R.; Laino, P.; Janni, M.; Botticella, E.; Di Carli, M.; Benvenuto, E.; Danieli, P. P.; Lilley, K. S.; Lafiandra, D.
2007Approccio proteomico per la caratterizzazione delle proteine di riserva del frumento duroFlagella, Z.; Pompa, M.; Palermo, C.; Giuliani Mm; Pastore, D.; Masci, Stefania ; Centonze, D.
2014An asparagine residue at the N-terminus affects the maturation process of low molecular weight glutenin subunits of wheat endospermEgidi, E.; Sestili; F.; Janni; M.; Dovidio; R.; Lafiandra; D.; Vensel; Wh; Sestili, Francesco ; D'ovidio, R.; Janni, M.; Dovidio, R.; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Ceriotti, A.; Vensel Wh; Kasarda Dd; Masci, Stefania 
2014Assessment of the allergenicity of soluble fractions from GM and commercial genotypes of wheatsLupi, R.; Moneret-vautrin, D.; Masci, Stefania ; Rogniaux, H.; Tranquet, O.; Brossard, C.; Lafiandra, Domenico ; Moneret-vautrin Da; Denery-papini, S.; Larr, C.
2002Biochemical characterisation of a novel polymeric protein subunit from bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)Gianibelli, M. C.; Masci, Stefania ; Larroque, O. R.; Lafiandra, D.; Macritchie, F.
1994Biochemical characterization of peptides that contain cysteine derived from the D subunits of LMW gluteninsMasci, Stefania ; Buonocore, F.; Kasarda Dd; Porceddu, E.; Lafiandra, D.
2020Can Manipulation of Durum Wheat Amylose Content Reduce the Glycaemic Index of Spaghetti?Sissons, Mike; Sestili, Francesco ; Botticella, Ermelinda; Masci, Stefania ; Lafiandra, Domenico 
2020Can Manipulation of Durum Wheat Amylose Content Reduce the Glycaemic Index of Spaghetti?Michael, Sissons; Sestili, Francesco ; Ermelinda, Botticella; Masci, Stefania ; Domenico, Lafiandra
2002Characterisation and chromosomal localisation of C-type low molecular weight glutenin subunits in the bread wheat cultivar Chinese SpringMasci, Stefania ; Rovelli, L.; Kasarda, D. D.; Vensel, W. H.; Lafiandra, D.
2010Characterisation of a specific class of typical low molecular weight glutenin subunits of durum wheat by a proteomic approachMuccilli, V.; Cunsolo, V.; Saletti, R.; Foti, S.; Margiotta, B.; Scossa, F.; Masci, Stefania ; Lafiandra, D.
2012Characterisation of the chromosome 5A-encoded polypeptides in durum and bread wheatGombaud, G.; Rogniaux, H.; Masci, Stefania ; Lafiandra, D.
2024Characterization among and within Sicilian tetraploid wheat landraces by gluten protein analysis for traceability purposesPalombieri, Samuela ; Bonarrigo, Marco; Potestio, Silvia; Sestili, Francesco ; Messina, Bernardo; Russo, Giuseppe; Miceli, Claudia; Frangipane, Benedetto; Genduso, Marco; Delogu, Chiara; Andreani, Lorella; Masci, Stefania 
2000Characterization of a LMW-2 type durum wheat cultivar with poor technological propertiesMasci, Stefania ; Rovelli, L.; Monari, A. M.; Pogna, N. E.; Boggini, G.; Lafiandra, D.