Browsing by Author Fenice, Massimiliano
Showing results 23 to 42 of 79
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2021 | Editorial: Mining, Designing, Mechanisms and Applications of Extremophilic Enzymes | Fenice, Massimiliano ; Khare, Sunil Kumar; Gorrasi, Susanna |
2020 | The effect of biomass and operating condition on the biodegradation capacity of a mix of pharmaceuticals (carbamazepine, ibuprofen and ciprofloxacin) in a membrane bioreactor | Jaime, Martin-pascual; Cristina, Lopez-lopez; Fenice Massimiliano ; Gustavo, Calero-díaz; Juan, Carlos Torres; Jose Poyatos, M. |
2017 | Evaluation of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and MALDI BioTyper in comparison to 16S rDNA sequencing for the identification of bacteria isolated from Arctic sea water | Timperio, Annamaria ; Gorrasi, S. ; Zolla, L.; Fenice, Massimiliano |
2023 | Flow Cytometric Investigation of Salinicola halophilus S28 Physiological Response Provides Solid Evidence for Its Uncommon and High Ability to Face Salt-Stress Conditions | Juárez-Jiménez, Belén; Fenice, Massimiliano ; Pasqualetti, Marcella ; Muñoz-Palazon, Barbara; Correa-Galeote, David; Braconcini, Martina ; Gorrasi, Susanna |
2014 | From hypertrophic lagoons to bioenergy production | Izzo, G.; Rosa, 1. S.; Signorini, A.; Massini, G.; Rosa, S.; Fiocchetti, F.; Patriarca, C.; Marone, A.; Varrone, C.; Fenice, Massimiliano |
2024 | From marine neglected substrata new fungal taxa of potential biotechnological interest: the case of Pelagia noctiluca | Pasqualetti, Marcella ; Braconcini, Martina ; Barghini, Paolo ; Gorrasi, Susanna ; Schillaci, Domenico; Ferraro, Donatella; Della Sala, Gerardo; De Marino, Simona; Fenice, Massimiliano |
2014 | From polluting seafood wastes to energy | Gorrasi, S. ; Izzo, G.; Massini, G.; Signorini, A.; Barghini, Paolo ; Fenice, Massimiliano ; Signorini Barghini, A. P. |
2019 | High Production of Chitinolytic Activity in Halophilic Conditions by a New Marine Strain of Clonostachys rosea | Pasqualetti, Marcella ; Barghini, Paolo ; Giovannini, V.; Fenice Massimiliano ; Giovaninni, V. |
2013 | High production of cold-tolerant chitinases on shrimp wastes in bench-top bioreactor by the Antarctic fungus Lecanicillium muscarium CCFEE 5003 | Barghini, Paolo ; Moscatelli, D.; Garzillo Amv; Crognale, Silvia ; Fenice, Massimiliano ; Garzillo, A. M. V. |
2014 | I batteri delle Saline di Tarquinia | Fenice, Massimiliano |
2012 | Immobilization of Delftia tsuruhatensis in macro-porous cellulose and biodegradation of phenolic compounds in repeated batch process | Juarez Jimenez, B.; Reboleiro Rivas, P.; Gonzalez Lopez, J.; Pesciaroli, C.; Barghini, Paolo ; Fenice, Massimiliano |
2013 | Inhibition of the Ochratoxin-a producer Aspergillus carbonarius on white and red grapes by crude cell-wall degrading enzymes from the Antarctic fungus Lecanicillium muscarium CCFEE 5003producer Aspergillus carbonarius on white and red grapes | Barghini, P.; Esti, M.; Pasqualetti, M.; Silvi, S.; Aquilanti, A.; Fenice, Massimiliano |
2023 | Insights into the prokaryotic communities of the abyssal-hadal benthic-boundary layer of the Kuril Kamchatka Trench | Gorrasi, Susanna ; Franzetti, Andrea; Brandt, Angelika; Minzlaff, Ulrike; Pasqualetti, Marcella ; Fenice, Massimiliano |
2013 | Isolation and screening of black fungi as potential degraders of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons | Isola, D.; Selbmann, Laura ; De Hoog Gs; Fenice, Massimiliano ; Onofri, S.; Prenafeta-boldc Fx; Zucconi, L.; Prenafeta-bold Fx |
2017 | Kinetic modeling of Shewanella baltica KB30 growth on different substrates through respirometry | Leyva-diaz Jc; Poyatos Jm; Barghini, Paolo ; Gorrasi, S. ; Fenice, Massimiliano ; Leyva-daz, J. C.; Poyatos, J. M. |
2012 | LAB-SCALE EXPERIMENTS ON TREATMENT OF OLIVE FRUIT WASHING WATER USING A PHOTOBIOREACTOR AND MEMBRANE SYSTEMS | Psarras, G.; Chartzoulakis, K.; Patsioura, A.; Doupis, G.; Gonzalez Lopez, J.; Fenice, Massimiliano |
2015 | Lutein Production by Coccomyxa sp. SCCA048 Isolated from a Heavy Metal-polluted River in Sardinia (Italy) | Pasqualetti, Marcella ; Tempesta, S.; Malavasi, V.; Barghini, Paolo ; Fenice, Massimiliano ; Malavasi, V. 2. |
2016 | Mapping the lithic colonization at the boundaries of life in Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica | Zucconi Galli Fonseca, Laura ; Laura Zucconi; Clarissa Cecchini; Daniela Isola; Caterina Ripa; Massimiliano Fenice; Sergio Madonna; Patricia Reboleiro-rivas; Laura Selbmann; Silvano Onofri Clarissa Cecchini Daniela Isola Caterina Ripa Massimiliano Fenice Sergio Madonna Patricia Reboleiro-rivas Laura Selbmann; Onofri, Silvano ; Cecchini, C.; Isola, D.; Ripa, C.; Fenice, Massimiliano ; Madonna, S.; Reboleiro-rivas, P.; Selbmann, L. |
2019 | Marine fungi: a potential source of novel enzymes for environmental and biotechnological applications | Giovannini, V.; Barghini, Paolo ; Gorrasi, S. ; Fenice Massimiliano ; Pasqualetti, Marcella |
2019 | Metagenetic profiling of the bacterial communities of an intertidal pool in Kandalaksha Bay (White Sea, Russia) | Gorrasi, S. ; Pesciaroli, C.; Barghini, P.; Pasqualetti, M.; Giovannini, V.; Fenice Massimiliano |