Browsing by Author FENOGLIO S.

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Showing results 12 to 31 of 66 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Dalle conoscenze di base agli studi applicativiFochetti, Romolo 
2001Description of Protonemura aroania sp. n. and of the Male of Leuctra moreae Zwick, 1978, with a contribution to the knowledge of the stonefly fauna of Greece (Insecta, Plecoptera)Tierno De Figueroa, J.; Fochetti, Romolo 
1992Designation of a Type Species for Brachyptera Newport, 1851 (PlecopteraFochetti, Romolo ; Zwick, P.
2012Diversity patterns and food web structure in a mediterranean intermittent streamLpez-rodrguez, M. J.; Peralta-maraver, I.; Gaetani, B.; Sainz-cantero, C. E.; Fochetti, Romolo ; Tierno De Figueroa, J. M.
2021Diversity, Threats, Decline and Conservation of European Stoneflies (Plecoptera, Insecta)Fochetti, Romolo 
2009DO ALL STONEFLIES NYMPHS HAVE RESPIRATORY PROTEINS?Amore, V.; Belardinelli, M.; Guerra, L.; Buonocore, F.; Fausto, A. M.; Fochetti, Romolo 
2010Effects of global change in aquatic insects of high mountains streams (Pyrenees)Puig, M. A.; Amore, V.; Fochetti, Romolo ; Ubero-pascal, N.
2020Endemism in the Italian stonefly-fauna (Insecta, Plecoptera)Fochetti, Romolo 
2020Endemism in the Italian stonefly-fauna (Plecoptera)Fochetti, Romolo 
2020Endemism in the Italian stonefly-fauna (Plecoptera)Fochetti, Romolo 
2011Estrategias de supervivencia ante el cambio global. Las especies de efemerpteros y plecpteros del Parque Nacional de AigestortesPuig Garca, M. A.; Ubero-pascal, N.; Amore, V.; Fochetti, Romolo 
2014Fauna EuropaeaFochetti, Romolo ; Tierno De Figueroa De Jong, J. M. . Y.
2008Feeding ecology of various age-classes of brown trout in River nera, Central ItalyFochetti, Romolo ; Argano, R.; Tierno De Figueroa , J. M.
2007First record of the genus Capnioneura for GreeceTierno De Figuera, J. M.; Fochetti, Romolo 
2021First report of Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) attacking people in Italy, with the description of extreme larval breeding sites and diurnal activity of Culicoides riethi.Federico Romiti; Fochetti, Romolo ; Adele Magliano; Vinciguerra, Vittorio ; Arianna Ermenegildi; Claudio De Liberato
2013Freshwater biodiversity in the rivers of the mediterranean basinManuel Tierno De Figueroa, J.; Manuel Lpez-rodrguez, J.; Stefano Fenoglio; Snchez-castillo, P.; Fochetti, Romolo ; Hydrobiologia.
2008Global diversity of stoneflies in freshwaterFochetti, Romolo ; Tierno De Figueroa, J. M.
2010Hemocyanin in the Plecoptera orderAmore, V.; Gaetani, G.; Puig, M. A.; Fochetti, Romolo 
2016Indonemoura annamensis, a new species from Vietnam (Plecoptera, Nemouridae)Fochetti, Romolo ; Ceci, M.