Browsing by Author Di Nocera Gian Maria

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Showing results 20 to 39 of 42 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Machtlandschaften am oberen Euphrat vom 4. bis Anfang des 2. Jahrtausends v. ChrDi Nocera, Gian Maria 
2022Making copper: processing in Early Bronze Age Arslantepe (VI B2)Di Nocera, Gian Maria ; Hauptmann, Andreas; Heil, Nikolas; Stöllner, Thomas
2010Metals and Metallurgy. Their Place in the Arslantepe Society between the end of the 4th and Beginning 3rd Millennium BC.Di Nocera, Gian Maria 
2020Middle Bronze Age Metals in the Upper EuphratesDi Nocera, Gian Maria 
2021I mutevoli volti del potere. Essenza ed espressione del potere: Linguaggi, luoghi e spazi, funzioni, simboli e rappresentazioniDi Nocera, Gian Maria 
2015New data for the understanding of the Vallone enigmatic tablet - Latera Caldera (Valentano, Viterbo, Lazio)Di Nocera, Gian Maria ; Rossi, F.; Petitti, P.; Santamaria, U.; Morresi, F.
2013Organization of Production and Social Role of Metallurgy in the Prehistoric Sequence of Arslantepe (Turkey)Di Nocera, Gian Maria 
2020Il Panatenaico di Isocrate nel dibattito della scuolaVallozza, Maddalena 
2020Pathways through Arslantepe. Essays in Honour of Marcella FrangipaneBalossi Restelli Francesca; Cardarelli Andrea; Di Nocera, Gian Maria ; Manzanilla Linda; Mori Lucia; Palumbi Giulio; Pittman Holly
2021Il potere dell’oblio. Il metallo nelle tombe principesche dell’Anatolia preistoricaDi Nocera, Gian Maria 
2020Reappraising the Middle Bronze Age at Arslantepe and in the Malatya plainDi Nocera, Gian Maria 
2019Recent late Chalcolithic and Iron Age discoveries at Arslantepe: the 2017–2018 campaignsFrangipane, M.; Balossi Restelli, F.; Di Nocera, Gian Maria ; Erdal, Y. S.; Manuelli, F.; Mori, L.
2017La rivoluzione neolitica e la nascita dell’urbanizzazioneDi Nocera, Gian Maria 
2022Settlement organization and traits of material culture in the Malatya Plain along the Upper Euphrates between the end of the 3rd and the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC: patterns of change and elements of continuityDi Nocera, Gian Maria 
2019Settlement Patterns in the Malatya Plain and Metallurgical Developments at Arslantepe: The Role of Surrounding CommunitiesDi Nocera, Gian Maria 
2008Settlements, population and landscape on the Upper Euphrates between V and II millennium BC. Results of the Archaeological Survey Project 2003-2005 in the Malatya PlainDi Nocera, Gian Maria 
2019Sistemi educativi e politiche culturali dal mondo antico al contemporaneo. Studi offerti a Gabriella CiampiVallozza, Maddalena 
2014Terre di Caccia e paesaggi agricoli. Natura e simboli nelle pi antiche comunit contadine del Vicino OrienteDi Nocera, Gian Maria 
2022The dawn of metallurgy at chalcolithic Arslantepe: metal finds and other metallurgical remains from Level VIIDi Nocera, Gian Maria ; Heil Nikolas; Hauptmann Andreas; Stöllner Thomas
2016THE FONDARCA CAVE AND CAVITIES USED AS A CULT PLACE DURING THE BRONZE AGE IN CENTRAL ITALYDi Nocera, Gian Maria ; Pastura, G.; Pelosi, Claudia ; Pizzo, E.; Rossi, F.; Santamaria, U.; Agresti, G.; Bozzo, F.; Brocato, G.; Costa, P.; Gallo, E.; Marano, F.; Mascelloni, A.; Moresi, F.