Browsing by Author Ciaffi, Mario

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Showing results 103 to 110 of 110 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The effect of excess sulfate supply on iron accumulation in three graminaceous plants at the early vegetative phaseCelletti, Silvia; Paolacci, Anna Rita; Mimmo, Tanja; Pii, Youry; Cesco, Stefano; Ciaffi, Mario ; Astolfi, Stefania 
2015The interplay between sulfur and iron nutrition in tomatoZuchi, S.; Ciaffi, Mario ; Hoefgen, R.; Astolfi, Stefania ; Hubberten, H.M.; Watanabe, M.; Bromke, M.; Osorio, S.; Fernie, A. R.; Celletti, S.; Paolacci, Anna Rita; Catarcione, G.; 12
2013Transcriptional and physiological changes in the S assimilation pathway due to single or combined S and Fe deprivation in durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) seedlingsCiaffi, Mario ; Paolacci , A. R.; Celletti, S.; Catarcione, G.; Kopriva, S.; Astolfi, S.
2019Transcriptional regulation of stilbene synthases in grapevine germplasm differentially susceptible to downy mildewCiaffi, Mario ; Anna Rita Paolacci; Marco Paolocci; alicandri, enrica ; valentina bigini; Maurizio Badiani; Muganu, Massimo 
2019Transcriptional regulation of stilbene synthases in grapevine germplasm differentially susceptible to downy mildewCiaffi, Mario ; Paolacci, Anna Rita; Paolocci, Marco; Alicandri, Enrica; Bigini, Valentina; Badiani, Maurizio; Muganu, Massimo 
2024Unraveling genetic, compositional, and organoleptic traits of elephant garlic of different geographical originsModesti, Margherita ; Ferri, Serena; Alicandri, Enrica ; Cardarelli, Mariateresa ; Ciaffi, Mario ; De Santis, Diana 
1996Wheat chromosome engineering at the 4x levelCeoloni, C.; Biaggetti, M.; Ciaffi, Mario ; Forte, P.; Pasquini, M.
2005The wheat PDI (Protein Disulfide Isomerase) genesCiaffi, Mario ; Tanzarella; Porceddu, E.