Browsing by Author Ciaffi, Mario

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Showing results 59 to 78 of 110 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1999The low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit proteins of primitive wheats. II. The genes from A-genome speciesLee, Y. K.; Ciaffi, Mario ; Appels; Morell, M. K.
1999The low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit proteins of primitive wheats. III. The genes from D-genome speciesCiaffi, Mario ; Lee Yk; Tamas, L.; Gupta, R.; Skerrit Js; Appels, R.
1999The low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit proteins of primitive wheats.IV. Functional properties of products from individual genesLee, Y. K.; Bekes, F.; Gras, P.; Ciaffi, Mario ; Morrel; Appels, R.
2003MADS-box genes in wheat (Trticum aestivum L.)Paolacci, A. R.; Ciaffi, Mario ; Daloisio, E.; Tanzarella; Porceddu, E.
2007MADS-box genes of MIKC type in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)Paolacci, A. R.; Tanzarella, O. A.; Porceddu, E.; Ciaffi, Mario 
2014A metabolomics based approach to study the interaction between sulfur and iron nutrition in tomato rootsZuchi, S.; Watanabe, M.; Celletti, S.; Paolacci Ar; Catarcione, G.; Ciaffi, Mario ; Hoefgen, R.; Astolfi Stefania
2008MIKC type genes of the MADS-box family in wheatPaolacci, A. R.; Tanzarella, O. A.; Ciaffi, Mario 
2007Molecular and phylogenetic analysis of MADS-box genes of MIKC type and chromosome location of SEP-like genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)Paolacci, A. R.; Tanzarella, O. A.; Porceddu, E.; Varotto, S.; Ciaffi, Mario 
2011Molecular aspects of flower development in grassesCiaffi, Mario ; Paolacci, A. R.; Tanzarella, O. A.; Porceddu, E.
2001Molecular characterization of gene sequences coding for protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp durum)Ciaffi, Mario ; Paolacci Ar; Dominici, L.; Tanzarella Oa; Porceddu, E.
2022Molecular markers dataset to assess the genetic diversity of oriental plane trees from historical sites in Lazio (central Italy)Enrica Alicandri; Vettraino, Anna Maria ; Agrimi, Mariagrazia ; Ciaffi, Mario ; Kuzminsky, Elena 
2022Molecular markers dataset to assess the genetic diversity of oriental plane trees from historical sites in Lazio (central Italy)alicandri, enrica ; Vettraino, Anna Maria ; Agrimi, Mariagrazia ; Ciaffi, Mario ; Kuzminsky, Elena 
2022Monoterpene Synthase Genes and Monoterpene Profiles in Pinus nigra subsp. laricioAlicandri, Enrica; Covino, Stefano; Sebastiani, Bartolomeo; Paolacci, Anna Rita; Badiani, Maurizio; Sorgonà, Agostino; Ciaffi, Mario 
2023Morphological, Molecular, and Nutritional Characterisation of the Globe Artichoke Landrace "Carciofo Ortano"Alicandri, Enrica ; Paolacci, Anna Rita; Catarcione, Giulio; Del Lungo, Alberto; Iacoponi, Valentina; Pati, Francesco; Scarascia Mugnozza, Giuseppe ; Ciaffi, Mario 
2020On the Evolution and Functional Diversity of Terpene Synthases in the Pinus Species: A ReviewAlicandri, Enrica; Paolacci, Anna Rita; Osadolor, Samson; Sorgonà, Agostino; Badiani, Maurizio; Ciaffi, Mario 
2020On the Evolution and Functional Diversity of Terpene Synthases in the Pinus Species: A ReviewAlicandri, Enrica; Paolacci, Anna Rita; Osadolor, Samson; Sorgonà, Agostino; Badiani, Maurizio; Ciaffi, Mario ; Osalodor, S.
2020On the Evolution and Functional Diversity of Terpene Synthases in the Pinus Species: A Reviewalicandri, enrica ; Paolacci, Anna Rita; Osadolor, Samson; Sorgonà, Agostino; Badiani, Maurizio; Ciaffi, Mario 
2017On the interactions among zinc availability and responses to ozone stress in durum wheat seedlingsDe Biasi Mg; Marabottini, R.; Paolacci Ar; Ciaffi, Mario ; Nali, C.; Lorenzini, G.; Badiani, M.
2006Over-expression and promoter study of wheat PDI geneDaloisio, E. L.; Brito, R. M.; Porceddu, E.; Ciaffi, Mario ; Crouch, J.
2008Ozone as a tool for studying stress responses in plantsAntonelli, M.; Santangelo, E.; Sebastiani, L.; Soressi, G. P.; Badiani, M.; Di Baccio, D.; Ederli, L.; Francini, A.; Marabottini, R.; Ciaffi, Mario ; Lorenzini, G.; Nali, C.; Pasqualini, S.