Naviga per Autore Barbanera, M.

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Mostrati i risultati da 45 a 64 di 92 < precedente   successiva >
Data pubblicazioneTitoloAutore/i
2006Il progetto illuminotecnico della chiesa di San Domenico a SpoletoBuratti, C.; Barbanera, Marco ; Mariani, R.
2019Impact of storage on energy performance of laricio pine wood chipsBuratti, C.; Cristarella Orestano, F.; Cotana, F.; Quaglietta, P.; Antonelli, P.; Barbanera, Marco 
2023Introducing digital tools for sustainable food supply management: Tackling food loss and waste in industrial canteensPrincipato, Ludovica; Marchetti, Stefano; Barbanera, Marco ; Ruini, Luca; Capoccia, Leonardo; Comis, Camilla; Secondi, Luca 
2024Investigation of Hydrothermal Carbonization of Exhausted Chestnut from Tannin Extraction: Impact of Process Water Recirculation for Sustainable Fuel ProductionCardarelli, Alessandro; Cordelli, Cristian; Romagnoli, Manuela ; Pizzo, Francesco; Barbanera, Marco 
2019Kinetic Analysis of Digestate Slow Pyrolysis with the Application of the Master-Plots Method and Independent Parallel Reactions SchemeBartocci, P.; Tschentscher, R.; Stensrod, Re; Barbanera, Marco ; Fantozzi, F.
2024Kinetic and thermodynamic behavior of co-pyrolysis of olive pomace and thermoplastic waste via thermogravimetric analysisSánchez-Ávila, N.; Cardarelli, Alessandro; Carmona-Cabello, Miguel; Dorado, M.P.; Pinzi, Sara; Barbanera, Marco 
2005Life Cycle Analysis of wood pellet from SRC through direct measuring of energy consumptionFantozzi, F.; Barbanera, Marco ; Buratti, C.
2015Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) systems for commercial buildingsMoretti, E.; Barbanera, Marco ; Buratti, C.
2015Life Cycle Assessment of organic waste management strategies: An Italian case studyBuratti, C.; Barbanera, M. ; Testarmata, F.; Fantozzi, F.
2015Life Cycle Assessment of organic waste management strategies: an Italian case studyBuratti, C.; Barbanera, Marco ; Testarmata, F.; Fantozzi, F.
2016Lignocellulosic Ethanol Production from the Recovery of Stranded Driftwood ResiduesCavalaglio Gianluca; Gelosia Mattia; Dantonio Silvia; Nicolini Andrea; Pisello Anna; Barbanera, Marco ; Cotana Franco
2020Numerical and experimental analysis of turbulent fluid flow around latest generation cycling frameCastellini, Marco; Barbanera, Marco ; Scungio, Mauro ; Arpino, F. 
2020On the self-heating behavior of upgraded biochar pellets blended with pyrolysis oil: Effects of process parametersRiva, Lorenzo; Cardarelli, Alessandro; Andersen, Geir Johan; Buø, Therese Videm; Barbanera, Marco ; Bartocci, Pietro; Fantozzi, Francesco; Nielsen, Henrik Kofoed
2018Optimization of bio-oil production from solid digestate by microwaveassisted liquefactionBarbanera, Marco ; Pelosi, Claudia ; Taddei, Anna Rita; Cotana, F.
2018Optimization of bioethanol production from steam exploded hornbeam wood (Ostrya carpinifolia) by enzymatic hydrolysisBarbanera, Marco ; Lascaro, E.; Foschini, D.; Cotana, F.; Buratti, C.
2015Optimization of the steam explosion and enzymatic hydrolysis for sugars production from oak woodsCotana, F.; Buratti, C.; Barbanera, Marco ; Lascaro, E.
2018Optimization of torrefaction conditions of coffee industry residues using desirability function approachBuratti Cinzia; Barbanera, Marco ; Lascaro Elisa; Cotana Franco
2022Optimization of ultrasound-assisted liquefaction of solid digestate to produce bio-oil: Energy study and characterizationCarmona-Cabello, M.; Sáez-Bastante, J.; Barbanera, Marco ; Cotana, Franco; Pinzi, S.; Dorado, M. P.
2014An original tool for checking energy performance and certification of buildings by means of Artificial Neural NetworksBuratti, C.; Barbanera, Marco ; Palladino, D.
2022Overnutrition is a significant component of food waste and has a large environmental impactFranco, Silvio ; Barbanera, Marco ; Moscetti, Roberto ; Cicatiello, Clara ; Secondi, Luca ; Massantini, Riccardo