Naviga per Autore Ruzzi, Maurizio

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Mostrati i risultati da 1 a 20 di 53  successiva >
Data pubblicazioneTitoloAutore/i
2020A Genetic and Metabolomic Perspective on the Production of Indole-3-Acetic Acid by Pantoea agglomerans and Use of Their Metabolites as Biostimulants in Plant NurseriesLuziatelli, Francesca ; Ficca, Anna Grazia ; Bonini, Paolo; Muleo, Rosario ; Gatti, Lorenzo; Meneghini, Massimiliano; Tronati, Michele; Melini, Francesca; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2023A plant's perception of growth-promoting bacteria and their metabolitesAbou Jaoudé, Renée; Luziatelli, Francesca ; Ficca, Anna Grazia ; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2016Application of plant-derived protein hydrolysate Trainer stimulates the growth of Bacillus with antagonistic activity against phytophatogenic bacteria and fungiFicca Ag; Luziatelli, L.; Colla, G.; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2019Bacteria Associated With a Commercial Mycorrhizal Inoculum: Community Composition and Multifunctional Activity as Assessed by Illumina Sequencing and Culture-Dependent ToolsAgnolucci, M.; Giovannetti, M.; Avio, L.; Pepe, A.; Turrini, A.; Cristani, C.; Bonini, P.; Cirino, V.; Colosimo, F.; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2023Bioregulation of adventitious root induction by metabolites secreted from plant growth promoting Pantoea agglomerans strainsValerio, C.; Medori, G.; Luziatelli, F.; Melini, F.; Gatti, L.; Ruzzi, Maurizio ; Muleo, R.; Forgione, I.
2016Biostimolanti microbici, un aiuto alla crescita delle pianteCardarelli Mt; Rouphael, Y.; Ruzzi, Maurizio ; Giovannetti, M.; Colla, G.
2017Biostimulant action of protein hydrolysatesColla, G.; Hoagland, L.; Ruzzi, Maurizio ; Cardarelli, M.; Bonini, P.; Canaguier, R.; Rouphael, Y.
2015Biotechnological conversion of organic wastes in biostimulants for horticultureLuziatelli, Francesca ; Ficca, Anna Grazia ; Colla, G.; Aissa, E.; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2014Catabolism of fruit polyphenols accumulation in Olea europaea L. trees with different water statusFrioni, E.; Muleo, Rosario ; Caruso, G.; Gennai, C.; Urbani, S.; Esposto, S.; Ruzzi, Maurizio ; Servili, M.; Gucci, R.; Poerio, E.
2013Cellulase production by a wild strain of Trichoderma sp. isolated from wood chips from short rotation hybrid poplar plantationsLuziatelli, Francesca ; Cavalieri, A.; Fabbrica, V.; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2023Core microbiome and bacterial diversity of the Italian Mediterranean river buffalo milkLuziatelli, Francesca ; Melini, Francesca; Ficca, Anna Grazia ; Melini, Valentina; Nardilli, Francesca; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2017Current and Forward-Looking Approaches to Technological and Nutritional Improvements of Gluten-Free Bread with Legume FloursMelini, F.; Melini, V.; Luziatelli, Francesca ; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2009Development of Innovative Molecular Methods for the Detection and the Identification of Pseudomonas spp. in Environmental and Clinical SamplesCalisti, Cecilia; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2023Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) as a tool for studying thermal properties of a crude cellulase cocktailDi Matteo, Paola; Luziatelli, Francesca ; Bortolami, Martina; Mele, Maria Luisa; Ruzzi, Maurizio ; Russo, Paola
2024Do plant biostimulants affect the survival of Escherichia coli in lettuce?FIORE, LEONARDO ; Cardarelli, Mariateresa ; Ruzzi, Maurizio ; Ficca, Anna Grazia ; Rouphael, Youssef; Luziatelli, Francesca ; Colla, Giuseppe 
2024Editorial: Biostimulants in agriculture II: towards a sustainable futureRuzzi, Maurizio ; Colla, Giuseppe ; Rouphael, Youssef
2023Effect of microbial plant biostimulants on fruit and vegetable quality: current research lines and future perspectivesMelini, Francesca; Melini, Valentina; Luziatelli, Francesca ; Abou Jaoudé, Renée; Ficca, Anna Grazia ; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2015Effect of plant-derived biostimulants on the epiphytic bacterial population of lettuceFicca, Anna Grazia ; Luziatelli, Francesca ; Colla, G.; Svecova, E.; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2024Effect of the Inoculation Method on the Potential Plant Growth-Promoting Activity of a Microbial Synthetic ConsortiumAbou Jaoudé, Reneé ; Ficca, Anna Grazia ; Luziatelli, Francesca ; Ruzzi, Maurizio 
2016Effects of a protein hydrolysate-based biostimulant and two micronutrient based fertilizers on plant growth and epiphytic bacterial population of lettuceLuziatelli, Francesca ; Ficca Ag; Colla, Giuseppe ; Svecova, E.; Ruzzi, Maurizio